Jasper Series: First Impression

by Jasmeet Virk ~ February 5th, 2012. Filed under: Module B. Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences (TELE).

Once I got over the dated look of the videos and got into the content, The Jasper series absolutely captivated me! It is a problem based approach of constructivist learning at its best.

Based on NCTM standards, the series provides authentic tasks from real life to help students explore math concepts which students solve through collaboration and discussion in small groups. Despite being based on math standards, these tasks have many cross curricular implications. Students overtly examine integrated science concepts along with math, while there are many embedded issues like career prep, social interactions and responsibility.

There is no prescribed way suggested to solve the problems which makes the tasks very open ended. The students need to explain the how’s and why’s of their solutions. To verbalize or write their thinking will promote critical thinking and Meta cognition. I am sure, the teachers will probably lay the foundation of the core math concepts needed to solve these tasks before presenting them to the students – or could it be that they could teach these concepts to small groups as the students encounter the issues in the task? Now wouldn’t that provide a better schema for the math concept?

The series is a great model to follow where a teacher could create an anchored learning scenario based on their grade level’s outcomes from different subject areas. The possibilities are tremendous. Such a cross curricular approach will overcome the time constraints we teachers often feel as we try to meet learning outcomes from different subject areas during their allotted time. I think such an approach will be more liberating not only for the students but also for the teachers.

My one big concern is – does such an approach suit all learning styles and abilities?
And on second thought – does such an approach suit all teaching styles?

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