
In September 2014 I began the Teacher Education Program at the University of British Columbia, but my journey before this has been full of great experiences shaping my views, perspectives and passions.

Leading a Bootcamp Training Session

As a UBC Kinesiology graduate, fitness coordinator and instructor I have worked in the health and fitness industry for the past 6 years.  I have worked with clients in one-on-one personal training as well as as a group fitness leader and coordinator. I developed my own Bootcamp program which continued to grow over the past 4 years and is still being used to help individuals get fit and stay fit.



As an avid soccer player and enthusiast for over 12 years, I have been and continue to be involved in the Metro-Womens Soccer Association of Greater Vancouver. Soccer is my passion and I feel as both a player and coach I have learned many valuable life lessons which ultimately help shape my teaching philosophy with my own students.


Hiking in Mendoza, Argentina

I love to travel and be immersed in different cultures, engaging with the people and learning new languages. I have been to 6 continents and each trip has been an unforgettable experience. I have had the opportunity to learn a new language, coach a children’s soccer program, run summer kids camps, learn new sports, teach Grade 1 ESL, and most of all step outside of my comfort zone in every country to experience it to the fullest.IMG_1712

My life’s experiences have impacted how I see the world, my community, and my career and plays a large role in shaping my teaching philosophy.





Below are only a few photos of my travelling experiences and interests

Leading stretches before organizing a soccer game for the neighbourhood kids in Fez, Morocco

Leading stretches before organizing a soccer game for the neighbourhood kids in Fez (Morocco)

Ready to head to a nearby school just outside of Marrakesh, Morocco to teach English

Getting ready to head to a nearby school just outside of Marrakesh (Morocco) to teach English


Kids Summer camp in Mendoza, Argentina


Helping at a Kids Summer camp in Mendoza, Argentina

Helping at a Kids Summer camp in Mendoza, Argentina

Putting on Childrens shows in Argentina

Putting on Children’s shows in Spain

My soccer team in Argentina

My soccer team in Argentina

My crew of lifeguards at a summer camp for children aged 9-18 in Howe Sound, BC

My lifeguarding team at a summer camp for children aged 9-18 in Howe Sound, BC

This is

This is a poem I wrote for a UBC class first term describing the kind of Educator I hope to always be