Significance of my Question


For my inquiry project, I am curious in investigating the effects of the Sport Ed. Model (SEM) in physical education, in regards to developing student leaders. Sport and Physical Education classes, do not only have the capability of developing physical skills, and healthy well being, they also promotes many avenues for leader development (LeBoeuf & Butler, 2008, p.28).  As an educator I want to develop leaders within my Physical Education classes who have the confidence to lead their fellow students inside the class, as well as outside the gym and school walls.

My inquiry question will be looking specifically at the SEM and focusing on grade 9 students. SEM has been designed to create leadership opportunities as well as develop leadership skills. (Siedentop, Hastie & VanderMars, 1994). I chose grade 9 students for two reasons. Firstly, because I have been asked to teach grade 9’s a badminton unit, and secondly because I feel it is best to begin to make leadership influences while students are still maturing. My practicum school is a grade 8-12 high school, thus making the grade 9’s a little more grounded in the school having already been there for a year. Being grounded involves having less of a focus on, ‘who are my friends?’ and ‘how would this make me look in front of my peers?’ thus leaving a greater focus on development.


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