Clever and Creative Social Media

February 26th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Mac & Jinx game on Twitter is an excellent representation of a social media campaign that is designed to generate a memorable and meaningful idea.

Mac & Jinx is an interactive game developed by the ad agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, which is based on the traditional kids’ game of jinxing. The game is simple, easy to understand, fun and non-intrusive.

How it works:

When two people tweet about mac & cheese, they each receive a message and the first one to call “jinx” by clicking on the URL wins five boxes of mac & cheese and an official Mac & Jinx T-shirt.

Why it works:

By simply searching a given key term and identifying two people who tweet about the same phrase at the same time, Kraft is able to track down potential fans on Twitter using this low-cost method. The benefits of this campaign include improving goodwill, increasing their follower base and creating positive word-of-mouth buzz on the social network.

This campaign proves that a big budget is not necessary to generate big results, but rather that some of the most effective campaigns come from small budgets that are able to deliver substantial impact.


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