Laboratory Courses
FNH 325 Food Science Laboratory
Laboratory Teaching Assistant
I was a TA for this 3rd year level laboratory course for four years. During this time, this course has changed from a 1-term, 3-credit course to a 1-term 6-credit course, then finally to a 2-term 6-credit course. I was involved as the course was being re-developed and contributed to the edition of the new laboratory manuals. As a laboratory TA, I must be able to operate many laboratory instruments with high competence, be well prepared, and be aware to any potential danger in a chemical and biological laboratory. I enjoyed this course very much as I could have more direct interactions with the students in a laboratory setting. I enjoyed the direct contact I had with the students. I was also proud to show them skills and techniques that they would need in their future jobs. I continue to maintain contact with some students I met through this laboratory course.
FNH 425 Food Science Laboratory II
Teaching Assistant
I coached groups of three 4th year students as they tried to solve a practical problem for their industry sponsors in this newly developed course. Working closely with their industry sponsors and academic instructor, I assisted the students to identify their task, conduct literature review, develop a work plan and set up their experiments. When mistakes were made and obstacles were met, I pointed ways to improvement. In the end, one of the groups successfully provided a new product formula for their industry sponsor, while the other group helped investigate a problem that hae been bothering the industry partner. I liked this course because I had the opportunity to get to know my groups very well.
FOOD 301/302/404 Food Science Courses
Web Module Developer
Although these three courses are not longer offered, website modules that I help developed can still be accessed through the following addresses:
FOOD 301 Food Chemistry I:
FOOD 302 Food Analysis:
FOOD 404 Food Chemistry II
These computer modules served as interactive ways for the students to prepare for their laboratory sessions, to test and clarify the concepts they have learned in the lectures, to expand their knowledge horizon, and to offer practical examples that occur in the industry.