Being sick already sucks when you’re normally at home… and it sucks even more when you’re halfway across the world from your family.
Stef has been sick for the past two months, and she’s been coughing on and off with a sore throat. I thought it was super amazing that I hadn’t gotten sick yet but I guess the time finally came, and I woke up with a sore throat this morning.
Yeah, only a sore throat, so it shouldn’t have been a big deal, but I didn’t go to my afternoon class (shh) and instead took a four hour nap. Comfort food is the best type of food when you’re sick, so I cooked noodles for lunch (even though I have so much rice left) and wasn’t hungry until around 8:30pm. So I cooked the Kraft Dinner that Colin mailed to me (I literally said I wanted to eat it once.. and he remembered :’) ), and I know that it might not be the healthiest food but it felt so good to eat it especially since I’m sick. It tastes like home and made me feel a little bit better.
I’m also glad that I decided to buy oranges yesterday, because what better way to help my immune system than with some Vitamin C? Plus the orange was really sweet too. Sometimes splurging on groceries is okay (oranges are really expensive here).
So in short, I’m sick, and I want to go home so someone can take care of me. Not homesick.. literally sick. It makes me feel really lonely when I have to take care of myself when I’m sick, and it makes me so much more grateful that I have my parents and boyfriend to ask how I’m feeling and to cook for me and make me honey lemon water when I’m sick back at home.
I think that I’m the only one out of all my friends here who actually wants to go home at this point.