Notes for Week 4, Readings for Week 5

Hi All

Here are the notes for this week





Here are the different installations by CADA

Here is the page on Zurita’s Purgatorio by Memoria Chilena (I think UBC Library has a copy in translation)


For the blog this week:  In what way do both CADA’s work and the work of the Arpilleristas break down traditional boundaries for what is considered “art”?  In what way is this a reflection of the larger political situation in Chile in the seventies and eighties?

For next week we are going to talk about music in Chile during this time.  Please read the following article

Transcultural Analysis Paper Information

In your transcultural analysis paper you will take an element of Latin American popular culture and do a 3-5 page analysis of its hybrid or transcultural elements (double-spaced).  You are free to choose any form of mass cultural expression including but not limited to folk art and craft, street art installations, graffiti, popular music, film, TV series’, performed literature or public ritual.  These can come from any country or culture in Latin America, including US and Canadian Hispanic groups and should be from the 20th or 21st Century.  In your discussion you should mention what cultural forms the work in question “borrows” and “adapts”, as well as the aesthetic effect of this composition.   You may also include a comment on the political intention or effect of this cultural “borrowing”, with some reference to either Barthes theories on ‘tropes’ as elements that construct hegemonic myths, or Gramsci’s theories on hegemony, resistance and incorporation. (see the Hebdige reading for more on these two).  However this is not obligatory.

Secondary sources aren’t obligatory, however you should refer to the context of the work as well as the theory of transculturation you are using.  (Canclini, Ortiz or Cornejo’s version). Citations can be in any of the “big three” formats (MLA, APA or Chicago) and please be consistent.

This paper is due Friday, February 9th at 11:59 PM via e-mail.  My e-mail address is Please submit the paper either as a PDF or MSWord document and use your first and last name as the filename.


Notes for Week 3, Readings for Week 4.

Hi Everyone

Here are our notes from this week’s lectures:



Here is the text of Roland Barthes’ Mythologies in case anyone is interested.

In the comment section:  Discuss your thoughts on the US’ “Good Neighbor” policy towards Latin America.  In what way was it improvement over Roosevelt’s “Big Stick”, in what way was it more of the same.  Finally, how did it influence Latin America culturally.

Next week we will talk about Chile under Pinochet.  Here are the readings:

Here is a reading on the Chilean Arpillera movement which we will discuss Tuesday.  Sorry, it’s split up into two files.  Please read the prologue and chapter 1 from here.  (not the whole book, unless you really really want to)  Then read chapter 4 from Here

On Thursday we will discuss CADA and the Escena de Avanzada movement in Chile.  Please read this article.  Skip the sections on Ramón Griffero’s Teatro del fin del siglo and Marco Antonio de la Parra’s El deseo de toda ciudadana



Notes for Week 2; Readings for Week 3.

Hi Everyone

Here are copies of the powerpoint notes from  Tuesday and Thursday’s class.  In the comment section of this post, discuss in one or all of this week’s readings something you found interesting, something you agreed with and something you disagreed with.  Please complete this by Tuesday January 16th.



Here is the reading from Canclini in case you’re interested.  The chapter I quoted from is called “Latin American Contradictions”.

The readings for next week include this portion of Ariel Dorfman’s How to Read Donald Duck which we will discuss on Tuesday (Apologies if you read some of this in 100), and apologies for how it looks on the PDF.  UBC’s copy is old and falling apart.


The reading for Thursday is the Introductory Chapter of Hebdige’s Subculture: The Meaning of Style.  Unfortunately there is no way to download the chapter without downloading the whole book.  So here’s the link to the book.  Please read pages 5-23.


Reflection for Week 1, Readings for Week 2

Hi Everyone

Great discussion today.

Here are the readings for this week.  There are more here than will be usual for the course, but I want to establish the theoretical base we are going to be using.  Generally we have about 10-20 pages of reading per week, this week it’s more like 27.




The Ortiz and Cornejo Polar readings we are going to discuss on Tuesday, the Brunner reading on Thursday.

For homework this weekend, choose one popular culture piece you have experienced recently (movie, song, book, comic etc.) and write a one paragraph reflection on what characterizes it as “popular culture” and how it engages the larger society around it