LFS Scholar Seminar: Are We Adapting to Climate Change?


Another one! Dr. Marshall Burke will be doing us the honour of visiting from Stanford University at the end of March to present a seminar at the invitation of our Integrated Studies program. Dr. Burke is an Associate Professor of Environmental Social Sciences and a Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute, the Woods Institute for the Environment and SIEPR.

Abstract: We study whether the sensitivity of economic, health, and livelihood outcomes
to climate extremes has declined over the last half century, consistent with adaptation. Understanding whether such adaptation is already occurring is central to anticipating future climate damages, to calibrating the level of ambition needed for emissions mitigation efforts, and to understanding additional investments in adaptation that could be required to avoid additional damages. Using comprehensive panel data across diverse geographies and outcomes, including data on mortality, agricultural productivity, crime, conflict, economic output, and damages from flooding and tropical cyclones, we find limited systematic evidence of adaptation to date. Across 21 outcomes we study, six show a statistically significant declining sensitivity to a changing climate, five show an increasing sensitivity, and the remainder show no statistically significant change. Our results do not imply that specific documented adaptation efforts are ineffective or certain locations have not adapted, but instead that the net effects of existing actions have largely not been successful in meaningfully reducing climate impacts in aggregate. To avoid ongoing and future damages from warming, our results suggest a need to identify promising adaptation strategies and understand how they can be scaled.

When: Monday, March 24th 3pm-4pm.

Where: MSL 102


A coffee and cookie social will be held afterwards – free Blue Chip cookies!

LFS Scholar Seminar: Health Benefits of Optimising B-vitamin Status Across the Life Cycle and Impact of Transitioning to Healthy Diets from Sustainable Resources


Our next Scholar seminar is just around the corner! Dr. Mary Ward will be visiting our faculty as a guest of the Human Nutrition program. She is currently a professor of Nutrition and Dietetics and Ulster University as well as Director of the Wellcome Trust-Wolfson Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility at the City Hospital Belfast and president of the British Nutrition Society. Her research focusses on B-vitamins involved in 1-C metabolism.

Abstract: Folate and the related B vitamins have essential roles in human health throughout life. Sub-optimal B vitamin status is increasingly common due lack of diversity in the diet and contributes to several adverse health outcomes including cardiovascular disease, poorer cognitive and bone health and anaemia. Furthermore, in the case of certain vitamins i.e. Riboflavin, subclinical deficiency (low riboflavin status without clinical signs) may be much more widespread than generally recognised, including in high-income countries and especially in women of reproductive age, but typically goes undetected due to lack of available data. Riboflavin biomarkers are rarely assessed in human studies, and thus neither deficiency nor subclinical deficiency is well documented. The adverse health consequences of low and deficient riboflavin status throughout the life cycle, include anaemia and hypertension, that contribute substantially to the global burden of disease. In the case of vitamin B12 achieving optimal B12 status can be particularly problematic for certain population groups due to inadequate intake or B12 malabsorption. This presentation will consider the metabolic and health consequences of low B-vitamin status and the related research, public health, and policy priorities. Consideration will also be given to the impact of transitioning towards a healthy diet from sustainable sources on B-vitamin status.

When: Friday, March 14th 10am-11am.

Where: MCML 256


A coffee and cookie social will be held afterwards – free Blue Chip cookies!

UBC Food Innovation Challenge for Students ($15,000 award) – deadline to enter is March 9


Calling all UBC students!

Do you like to stir up new recipes? Do you care about the link between how food is made and a healthy planet? If so, the UBC Food Innovation Challenge could be for you!

UBC undergraduate and graduate students are invited to bring their ideas to this challenge, hosted by the Faculty of Land and Food Systems. We are looking for new solutions in sustainable food processing created through interdisciplinary teamwork, industry mentorship, and prototype development.

BC Hydro has generously contributed to this competition. Student teams are invited to submit a Concept Proposal for their sustainable food processing or food packaging idea. Each shortlisted team will receive up to $3,000 for prototype development, while the winning team will be awarded up to $15,000 to advance their idea, focusing on feasibility, sustainability impact, and commercialization potential.

Here’s a chance to take your idea beyond the kitchen or lab – with support from professional mentors!

Timeline for the UBC Food Innovation Challenge: powered by BC Hydro:

  • Feb. 7 to March 9, 2025:  Teams register and upload a Concept Paper.
  • April 1 to Sept. 5, 2025: Shortlisted teams to develop prototypes, with mentorship support.
  • September 2025: Presentations and final selection of top team.

Learn more here:

UBC Student Tuition Contest


Enter the UBC Student Tuition Contest today!

Studying is hard work but entering this contest doesn’t have to be!
Win $1,000 towards your UBC tuition to make your academic life a little easier.

Enter for your chance to win!

Open to all currently registered UBC students. Contest closes March 31st, 2025.

Enter here: https://alumni.ubc.ca/tuition/

Sponsored by: alumni UBC

Agora Community Dinner – Open to all!


Join Us for a Special Community Dinner at Agora!

Mark your calendars for Monday, March 17th at 6:30 pm and join us for the Agora Community Dinner, generously supported by our friends at Daiya Foods and Silver Hills Bakery.

This complimentary meal is available on a first-come, first-served basis—please remember to bring your own container and utensils. And keep your eyes out for some Daiya Foods giveaways as well!

Secure your spot by confirming your Showpass ticket here!

Follow @agoracafeubc for more details leading up to the event!