Promo Requested – APSC 541 / BAEN 506 – Tech Entrepreneurship Demo Day


Hi grad student advisors – see below for an announcement about the Demo Day for APSC 541.  Please circulate to your graduate students, as some of them may be interested in attending and in learning more about the course for the upcoming fall term.

Thanks! and please let me know if there are any questions or comments, too.


Jon Nakane



APSC 541 / BAEN 506 – Tech Entrepreneurship is an interdisciplinary course open to students from all faculties that has the primary goal of providing students with knowledge and practical experience related to the formation of an entrepreneurial enterprise based on the development of a new product or process. Working in teams of six students (with representation from multiple faculties), the end-target in the course is to produce a viable product prototype and the necessary business plan to ensure its success in the marketplace.

Graduate students in science and technology related fields may be interested in learning more about the course and opportunities.  See the course website for background information (application starts in mid-September 2023):


Interested in seeing the outcome? Attend the NVD Demo Day! 

This year’s students will be demonstrating their projects in a trade fair format. Feel free to drop by at any time during this session. We look forward to seeing you there.

Date: Wednesday, April 5th
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Location: DL005/009 (David Lam Learning Labs*)

*The David Lam Learning Labs are located in the basement of the UBC Sauder Building, below Tim Hortons and White Spot. While the Labs are in the UBC Sauder compound, access cannot be gained from the main building. To access the learning labs, enter the Robert H. Lee Graduate School doors to the left of the restaurants (not the main UBC Sauder entrances) and take the stairs or the elevator down to the basement. Alternatively, you can walk around the back of the building past White Spot (West on Agricultural Road) and take the first pathway at the back of the building down into the learning labs.


The Tech E Teaching Team



__Jon Nakane, PhD PEng   jon.nakane@ubc.caProgram Director, UBC Integrated EngineeringAssistant Professor of Teaching, UBC Materials EngineeringRm 106A, Frank Forward Bldg, 6350 Stores Rd.  604-822-0794

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