You’re invited: LFS Scholar Series – Dr. J. Bruce German, December 8


Land and Food System Scholar Series


Invited scholar: Dr. J. Bruce German


Hosted by:  Siyun Wang, Food Science


Title: Lactation: An evolutionary model for diet and health research.


Abstract: The world is facing unprecedented challenges to produce a food supply that is both nourishing, safe and sustainable. Scientists are struggling to understand how to guide the future of agriculture and food in response to these 21st century challenges.  Lactation provides an inspiring model of what research and its applications could be. Lactation emerged through evolution under the relentless selective pressure to be a sustainable bioreactor secreting biopolymers with diverse functions acting from the mammary gland through the digestive system of the infant. Scientific understanding of milk yields targets of efficacy: what are the mechanisms by which diet can improve the protection, performance and success of infants; with an impeccable safety dosser: milk is all that babies eat! As just one example, milk contains free oligosaccharides. These glycans reach the lower intestine where bacteria compete. One specific strain of bacteria, Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis, is capable of taking up, hydrolyzing and metabolizing the complex glycans of human milk. Such a symbiotic relationships provides value to both the microbe and the infant: the microbe gains a food supply and the infant gains protection from pathogens.


Biography: Dr. J. Bruce German is a Distinguished Professor in Food Science and Technology, Director, Foods for Health Institute, University of California Davis ( Bruce German received his BSc and MSc from University of Western Ontario, his PhD from Cornell University, joined the faculty at the University of California, Davis in 1988, in 1997 was named the first John E. Kinsella Endowed Chair in Food, Nutrition and Health is currently Director of the Foods for Health Institute and professor, at University of California, Davis. The goal of his research, teaching and outreach is to build the knowledge necessary to improve human health through personal health measurements and diet. The model being used of how to proceed is lactation, the product of millennia of constant Darwinian selective pressure to produce a food to nourish, sustain and promote healthy infant mammals to be healthier . This evolutionary logic is the basis of the research program to discover molecular, physical, functional and nutritional properties of milk components and to apply these properties as principles to foods. Bruce and colleagues have published more than 500 papers that have been cited over 50,000 times.  Together with colleagues and the University of California the research program has launched 4 companies providing products and services to the commercial marketplace.



Join in-person or via Zoom:

Date: December 8, 2022

Time: 10:00-11:30 AM PST

Location: In-person at SPPH B151, or via Zoom

This presentation will be followed by a meet and greet from 11:30-12:00.

Please register here by Dec 6.

Thesis Defense – Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems – PhD – Celina Guadalupe Solis-Becerra



The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
(Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems)

Celina Guadalupe Solis-Bacerra

“ Decolonizing Palates: Indigenous Foods in the Culinary Scene of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico. Opportunities to Promote Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Biocultural Diversity Conservation in a Post-Pandemic World ”

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 11:00 AM



Chair: Dr. K. Lokman

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. E. Jovel – Supervisor
Dr. L.Newman – Committee member
Dr. A. Gonzalez – Committee member
Dr. S. Gulati – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. E. Jovel – Supervisor
Dr. L. Newman – Committee member
Dr. A. Gonzalez – Committee Member
Dr. S. Smukler – University Examiner
Dr. D. Rosenblum – University Examiner
Dr. J. Cidro – External Examiner

Thesis Defense – Soil Science – MSc – Paula Resque Porto



The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Master of Science
(Soil Science)

Paula Resque Porto

The effect of field hydrology management on soil greenhouse gas emissions from blueberry fields in Delta, British Columbia”

Monday, December 5th, 2022 – 2:00 PM

350, HR MacMillan Building, 2357 Main Mall


Chair: Dr. J. Cornelis

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. S. Smukler – Supervisor
Dr. A. Black – Committee member
Dr. M. Krzic – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. S. Smukler – Supervisor
Dr. A. Black – Committee member
Dr. M. Krzic – Committee member
Dr. S. Knox– External

Arts-based participatory research methods for more inclusive area-based ocean management

IOF SEMINAR – November 25, 2022

Arts-based participatory research methods for more inclusive area-based ocean management
Current ocean management approaches are often characterised by economic or environmental objectives, paying limited consideration to social and cultural dimensions, as well as Indigenous and local knowledge. Piloting arts-based participatory research methods to co-produce knowledge with Indigenous and local knowledge holders in Algoa Bay, South Africa, the research finds that the use of photography and storytelling can support the coming together of different ways of knowing the ocean and coast, necessary to produce contextually-oriented approaches to more inclusive area-based ocean management. The use of arts-based methods can also be useful in highlighting cultural connections to the ocean, and remembering and imagining, or reimagining, ways in which people relate to and care for the ocean and coast. For example, using photography and in situ storytelling often allows people to convey memories and histories of more accessible coastlines, or envisaging a future with more inclusive and participatory ocean management. Emphasising these cultural connections, and better recognising them in ocean management has the potential to include people’s awareness of the ocean which could translate into an increased sense of care and stewardship towards the ocean and coast as people feel more connected to their contextual seascapes. This could in turn contribute to a more sustainable sociocultural approach to ocean management which is necessary for equitable and sustainable future ocean social-ecological wellbeing.
Mia Strand
Early career scientist, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Friday, November 25, 2022 – 11:00am  – 12 noon
Over Zoom
IOF community members (students, faculty and staff) do not need to RSVP for this seminar series.

UBC members, alumni, and all others, please RSVP at:

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GradUpdate – Build your Confidence, Design your Grad School Strategic Plan, Careers in Teaching at a Community College, Data Organization in Spreadsheets for the Social Sciences, Writing Research Conclusions, and more.



In this issue, Build your Confidence, Design your Grad School Strategic Plan, Careers in Teaching at a Community College, Data Organization in Spreadsheets for the Social Sciences, Writing Research Conclusions, and more.

Registration open

Build your confidence for greater interpersonal impact
This workshop will use practical, interactive, and experiential approaches to help you identify strategies for working with others for greater impact on the world around you
Online | Wednesday, Nov 30 | 10 am – 12:00 pm


Getting the Most Out of your Academic Experience: Designing your Grad School Strategy
Implement time and project management strategies for your graduate program and career exploration
Online | Thursday, Dec 1 | 10 – 11:30 am


Seats available

Overcoming Perfectionism
Online | Tuesday, Nov 22 | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Register

Leveraging Your Strengths to Strategize for Success
Online | Wednesday, Nov 23 | 2:30 – 4 pm
Includes a free Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment Register

Fundamentals of Stat II: Study Design and Data Collection Essentials
Online | Thursday, Nov 24 | 10 am – 12 pm Register

Events and Opportunities

A selection of upcoming events are highlighted below.  Visit and for our full events calendar.


Indigenous Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Fund Consultation Session
Tuesday, Nov 29 | 10 – 11 am Register

Copyright for Graduate Students
Tuesday, Nov 29 | 1 – 2:30 pm Register

Creating and Managing Your Academic Profile – Author IDs
Wednesday, Nov 30 | 1 – 2 pm Register

Choosing a Citation Management Tool
Monday, Dec 5 | 9 – 10:30 am Register

National Student Paper Competition: Canada School of Public Service
Applications open Nov 1 to Jan 31 | The winner(s) are offered a 4-month internship with the Government of Canada and many opportunities to expand their networks. The authors of the top five papers are invited to present their papers to senior executives and can attend many events with public servants from diverse departments. Learn more


Exploring Careers in Teaching at a Community College
Session 3: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Teaching in the Community College Setting
Thursday, Dec 1 | 10 – 11:30 am Register

Canadian Science Policy Fellowship (CSPF)
One year position starting Sept 2023 | Must hold a PhD at the start of the fellowship
Learn more and apply by Feb 1.

Employer On-Campus Info Session: Google
In person | Wednesday, Nov 30 | 12 – 1:30 pm
Target audience is PhD students in Comp Sci and Comp Engineering Register


Indigenous Time Management
National Center for Faculty Dev’t and Diversity webinar
Tuesday, Nov 29 | 11 am – 12 pm Learn more


Introduction to the Unix Shell
Online | Monday, Nov 28 | 10 – 11:30 am Register

Advanced Skills in R
Online | Thursday, Dec 1 | 2:30 – 4:30 pm Register

Data Organization in Spreadsheets for the Social Sciences
Online | Friday, Dec 2 | 10 am – 12 pm Register

Authoring scientific documents with Markdown and Quarto
In person | Friday, Dec 2 | 1 – 2:30 pm Register


Research Article Conclusions: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward
In person and online | Wednesday, Nov 30 | 10 – 11:30 am Register

Workshops and events

