GradUpdate – Writing with Integrity, Getting Through Grad School Support Group, Writing Personal Statements, Writing Research Article Conclusions, NVivo, Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador program, and more.



In this issue, Writing with Integrity, Getting Through Grad School Support Group, Writing Personal Statements, Writing Research Article Conclusions, NVivo, Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador program, and more.

Registration now open

Writing with Integrity
Join this session to discuss ethical principles and practices in academic writing including proper citation, accurate representation of ideas, and avoiding plagiarism.
Online | Thursday, Jul 14 | 2:00 – 4:00 PM


Events and Opportunities

A selection of upcoming events are highlighted below.  Visit and for our full events calendar.


Using Zotero for Citation Management
Online | Monday, Jul 04 | 4:00 – 5:30 pm Register


Apply to become a Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador (GWSA)
Work with Health Promotion & Education, university collaborators and fellow Ambassadors to support and promote graduate student health and wellbeing.
Learn more about the program’s goals, GSWAs responsibilities, and eligibility criteria and apply.

Getting Through Grad School with Grace and Grit
Online Support Group | Connect with others over your grad school experiences, whether that be staying motivated, managing relationships with mentors, handling uncertainty about career goals, creating work-life balance, and everything in between.
Tuesdays until Jul 26 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM | Attend one or all sessions Register .
Learn more about the various online group programs.


NVivo part 1: getting started with NVivo
Online | Tuesday, Jul 05 | 4:00 – 6:00 pm Register

NVivo part 2: classification and datasets
Online | Thursday, Jul 07 | 4:00 – 6:00 pm Register


Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop
In person | Aug 6,13 & 20 | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM | Register by Aug 3
Learn about additional upcoming sessions.


Research Article Conclusions: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward
In person | Wednesday, Jul 06 |10:30 am – 12:00 pm Register

Writing Personal Statements: Crafting Your Professional Identity
In person | Thursday, Jul 07 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Register

Workshops and events



Course on the Anthropocene


Hi Sumeet,


Did you see the graduate course too?  i sent you the undergraduate (437) by mistake, but then sent the grad link too…




Anth 540C_ ANTHROPOCENE IMAGINARIES: Professor Tracey Heatherington – Department of Anthropology

UBC ANTHROPOCENE IMAGINARIES SYLLABUS 540C 2023 Course Overview Representations of culture and environment have compelling implications for human rights and Indigenous sovereignties over land, water and natural resources. This course explores evolving concerns around the climate and nature emergency, and considers how cultural visions and aesthetics of place in the twenty-first century are interconnected with …





Professor and Head, Department of Anthropology

The University of British Columbia
AnSo Bldg Rm 2129, 6303 NW Marine Drive
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z1  Canada

Phone: 1-604-822-3160, 1-604-822-2878


Located on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) people






In-Person Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) August 6, 13 & 20, 2022 waitlist sign up opens June 24!



Please forward the following information to your graduate students:

Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be offering an In-Person Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on August 6, 13 & 20, 2022.

The Grad ISW is a 24-hour, fully participatory, and peer-based professional development workshop for graduate students that is beneficial to both new and experienced instructors.

Please note: you must attend all face-to-face sessions and complete all independent work for the complete duration of the workshop, (i.e. the entire 24-hour workshop).

To register for the waitlist for August 6, 13 & 20, 2022 sign up here:


Waitlist opens on June 24 and will close on August 3, 2022 at 4:30 pm. By clicking this link, you are signing up for the WAITLIST only and this DOES NOT register you for the workshop. Graduate ISWs at UBC are in high demand. To create an equitable registration process all graduate students who register for an ISW will first be enrolled on a waitlist, from which participants are randomly selected. If a participant has registered for more than one ISW waitlist, their name will appear more frequently when generating the participant list, giving them a higher chance of being selected for an ISW. If you are accepted into the workshop, you will be contacted by our office to confirm your registration. For more information and a list of all upcoming sessions visit:

Workshop Eligibility:

A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is eligible if they are:

  • a full-time or part-time registered graduate student at UBC during the academic term when the ISW is offered
  • a graduate student at UBC who has completed degree requirements but has not yet convocated
  • a joint degree graduate student who is enrolled at UBC and another institution
  • a graduate student at UBC pursuing non-degree studies
  • a visiting graduate student that is eligible to take courses

A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is not eligible if they are:

  • not a graduate student at UBC
  • a graduate student at UBC who has on-leave status
  • a visiting graduate student that is not eligible to take courses


Elisa Herman
Event Coordinator
Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
214-1961 East Mall  | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z1 Canada | @UBC_CTLT

GradUpdate – Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund Information Sessions, Map production with QGIS, Writing in STEM: Applying the Concepts of Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Error, and Creativity in the Drafting Process, and GPS Online Library



In this issue, Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund Information Sessions, Map production with QGIS, Writing in STEM: Applying the Concepts of Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Error, and Creativity in the Drafting Process and Graduate Pathways to Success Online Library, and more.

Seats still available

Preparing Excellent Fellowship Applications
Online | Tuesday, Jun 21 | 10:00 – 11:00 AM Register

Events and Opportunities

A selection of upcoming events are highlighted below.  Visit and for our full events calendar.


Indigenous Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Fund Information Sessions: Special Fund for Graduate Research
Online | Monday, Jun 27 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Register, or
Online | Tuesday, Jun 28 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm Register

Graduate Pathways to Success Online Library
Miss a recent GPS session? Many of our session handouts and recordings are available online.


Building Your Project Network Map (Networking Skills)
Mitacs Training | Asynchronous module “Advance your Reach” must be completed prior to synchronous course
Online | Thursday, Jun 30, 2022 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Learn more


Map production with QGIS
In person | Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Register


Writing in STEM: Applying the Concepts of Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Error, and Creativity in the Drafting Process
In person and online | Tuesday, Jun 28 |10:00 am – 12:00 pm Register

Science Communication Contest “My research in France: the emotion of discovery”
Competition closes Oct 31 Learn more

Workshops and events



Request to share information regarding an interdisciplinary methodologies course with graduate students in Faculty of Land and Food Systems


INDS 502 E – University of British Columbia (V), traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xwməθkwə’yəm (Musqueam) people


Methodologies of Crossing: Exploring Interdisciplinary Knowledges, Trajectories, and Worldviews 


Professor: Dr. Rajdeep S. Gill

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 4:00 – 7:00pm (online), September – December 2022

Email contact:


Course Description


This course offers a creative and collaborative approach to understanding and exploring interdisciplinary constructions of knowledges across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The methodological, structural and socio-ecological contours of diverse historical and contemporary formations of interdisciplinarity will be intricately examined. There will be a strongly focus on the interrelationship of knowledges and value, interdisciplinarities and public reason.


Along with in-depth dialogue and experiential learning, guest speakers from the UBC community and beyond will be invited to enrich interdisciplinary engagement and learning. A supportive and exploratory space will be created for connecting interdisciplinarity to the specific research, methodological and personal interests of each course participant.


No background in interdisciplinary research is required, and students from any and all areas of study are welcome. Curiosity, adventurousness, imagination and creativity will be encouraged. The desire to expand avenues of knowledge exchange and translation across academic, community and public contexts will be welcomed and supported.