

The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
(Foood Science)

Ka Yan Lennie Cheung

“Elucidating the Effects of Key Basic and Tryptophan Residues on Potato Plant Specific Insert Structure and Function”

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 1:00 PM

Exam Location: MCML 350 2357 Main Mall


Chair: Dr. M. Ramer

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. R. Yada – Supervisor
Dr. S. Wang – Committee member
Dr. C. Song – Committee member
Dr. D. Dee – Committee member                                                                                                            Dr. C. Scaman — Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. R. Yada – Supervisor
Dr. D. Dee – Committee member
Dr. J. Kronstad – University Examiner
Dr. S. Srebnik– University Examiner
Dr. C. Yip – External Examiner

Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on August 3, 10 & 11, 2024


The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be offering a Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on August 3, 10 & 11, 2024.

The Grad ISW is a 24-hour, fully participatory, and peer-based professional development workshop for graduate students that is beneficial to both new and experienced instructors.


Please note: You must attend all sessions and complete all independent work for the complete duration of the workshop, (i.e. the entire 24-hour workshop).

To apply for the waitlist for August 3, 10 & 11, 2024 ISW click here:


Application opens on June 21 at 9 am and closes on July 31 at 4:30 pm. By clicking this link, you are applying for the WAITLIST only and this DOES NOT register you for the workshop. Graduate ISWs at UBC are in high demand. To create an equitable registration process all graduate students who apply for an ISW will first be enrolled on a waitlist, from which participants are randomly selected. If a participant has applied for more than one ISW waitlist, their name will appear more frequently when generating the participant list, giving them a higher chance of being selected for an ISW. If you are accepted into the workshop, you will be contacted by our office to confirm your registration. For more information and a list of all upcoming sessions visit:


Workshop Eligibility:

Please read the application process and workshop eligibility prior to applying.


A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is eligible if they are:

  • a full-time or part-time registered graduate student at UBC during the academic term when the ISW is offered
  • a graduate student at UBC who has completed degree requirements but has not yet convocated
  • a joint degree graduate student who is enrolled at UBC and another institution
  • a graduate student at UBC pursuing non-degree studies
  • a visiting graduate student that is eligible to take courses


A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is not eligible if they are:

  • not a graduate student at UBC
  • a graduate student at UBC who has on-leave status
  • a visiting graduate student that is not eligible to take courses

GradUpdate June 17th

In this issue, Doctoral Exam & Defence Procedures, Preparing a Teaching Demo for a Job Interview, CGS-D Proposal: Crafting a Compelling Research Story, Statistics Canada microdata, Dissertation Success Curriculum, and more.


Space available
Doctoral Defence: Doctoral Examination and Defence Procedures
Online | Tuesday, Jun 18 | 2 – 3:15 pm Register


Events and Opportunities
A selection of upcoming events are highlighted below.  I’ve also highlighted some online, on-demand recordings to check out if you have end-of-term time.
Visit and for our full events calendar.


The Dissertation Success Curriculum, Writing Support, and more
Available through UBC’s subscription, the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity provides various online, on-demand programming to support graduate students, including:

  • Core webinar series: Every Semester Needs a Plan, Academic Time Management, and more
  • A Monday Motivator Email Series
  • The Dissertation Success Curriculum, designed to provide the skills, strategies, and support needed to overcome the three biggest obstacles to finishing a dissertation: perfectionism, procrastination, and isolation
  • The Hidden Handbook, a series of short videos to topics including accountability, productivity, re-thinking self-care, and more!

Register through UBC’s subscription, then check out the member resources


Introduction to Git and GitHub
Online | Tuesday, Jun 25 | 1 – 3 pm Register

R showcase: Statistics Canada microdata
Online | Thursday, Jun 27 | 10 – 11 am Register


Preparing a Teaching Demo for a Job Interview
Online | Wednesday, Jul 10 | 9 – 10:15 am Register


CGS-D Proposal: Crafting a Compelling Research Story
In-person and online | Wednesday, Jul 3 | 10 am – 12 pm Register

Communicating Climate Hope: Countering Eco-Anxiety and Climate Doomism in Research and Practice – Registration Now Open


We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for Communicating Climate Hope 2024, a two-day distributed/hybrid conference, co-hosted and co-located at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada and Tilburg University (TiU) in the Netherlands, to be held August 15-16, 2024. The Communicating Climate Hope conference will bring together a diversity of experts in climate communication, including those who identify primarily as academic researchers, artists, community organizers, and climate activists. You can see our plenary speakers here and participating artists, activists, and community organizations here. Early bird registration rates are available through June 30; prices will increase on July 1, and registration will close on July 31.

At UBC we will also have a (free!) Pre-Conference Institute on August 14, a day-long interactive institute on climate communication and creativity through music and art, featuring a number of guest speakers with expertise in climate communications from across Canada.


Call for volunteers
We are also looking for student volunteers (undergrads, grad students, and recently graduated students – from UBC and other universities – all welcome) to help out at both the Pre-Conference Institute and the conference itself. Volunteers get free admission ($70 value) and a UBC t-shirt. We have some online-only volunteering positions on August 14, for those who won’t be in Vancouver at the time. We will have a range of tasks to choose from (A/V tech, registration desk, video recording editing/uploading, session moderating). Anyone interested in volunteering can email to sign up.



UBC -LFS Announces The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Master of Science

Kelly Wang

“Historical Trends in Cranberry Pest Abundances and Their Dependence on Temperature

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 – 12:00 PM

Exam Location: MCML 350




Chair: Dr. S. Castellerin

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. J. Carrillo – Co-Supervisor
Dr. T. Kabulak – Co-Supervisor
Dr. J. Williams – Committee Member                                                                                                      Dr. R. Sargent – Committee Member                                                                                                        Dr. M. Franklin – Committee Member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. J. Carrillo – Co-Supervisor
Dr. J. Williams – Committee Member                                                                                                        Dr. M. Tseng — External Examiner                                                                                                        Dr. M. Franklin – Additional Examiner