NSERC Info Sessions for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Applicants


NSERC 2024 – Doctoral Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships Q&A sessions

NSERC is hosting the following question and answer sessions for the doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships programs:

These sessions will be hosted as live Q&A MS teams events. They are supported by a series of informational videos available on the NSERC YouTube channel. These videos are intended to completely replace the presentation portion of the NSERC sessions, allowing NSERC and applicants to engage in a more in-depth and detailed Q&A session than they would normally have time for. Participants should watch the videos in advance and come to the Q&A session with specific questions in mind.

Please attend any of the sessions that best suits your schedule. Registration is not required.

Call for Applications: IODE War Memorial Scholarships


IODE War Memorial Scholarships

The IODE War Memorial Scholarships support PhD scholars whose research makes important contributions to Canada and the world. Up to three scholarships of $15,000 for study in Canada or for study within the Commonwealth will be awarded. Applicants are judged on academic attainments and promise as well as personal character and career goals.

Eligibility: Applicants must be Canadian citizens, hold a first degree from a Canadian university, and be enrolled in at least the second year of their doctoral program.


  • Letter of Intent: 1 October 2024
  • Complete application: 1 November 2024

Interested students submit their letter of intent and application directly to IODE.  For more information, including application procedures, please see: https://www.iode.ca/iode-war-memorial-scholarship-application.html.  Questions should be directed to: iodewarmemorial@gmail.com.

The content is only visible to members of the “Graduate Awards and Funding” group. If you require access to the group, please contact Brendan Morey (brendan.morey@ubc.ca). Access is restricted to UBC faculty and staff.

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies – Faculty & Staff website (https://faculty-staff.grad.ubc.ca)

LFS TA (Re) Orientation


Calling all TAs, new and old! Want to learn about the ins and outs of TAing in LFS? How about upgrade your teaching skills? Does free lunch sound good? Join us for the 2024 LFS TA (Re)Orientation!

Who: New and returning LFS TAs

What: Enjoy lunch, meet other TAs, learn about opportunities in LFS and UBC available to you as a TA, and participate in two teaching workshops (that count toward your LFS Advanced TA Skills Letter of Completion)!

Where: MacMillan (MCML) Room 350

When: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm

RSVP by Sept 6thhttps://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cOzveeZxKZ7YQM6

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Questions about the orientation or being an LFS TA? Email the LFS TA Coordinators (Lexis lexisly@mail.ubc.ca and Steven sbristow@student.ubc.ca)

See you there!

CGSD Proposal: Crafting a Compelling Research Story


This in-person workshop is designed for graduate students applying for the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D). Drawing on evidence-based research about successful grant proposals, the facilitator reviews the contextual, stylistic, and structural elements of this particular type of academic writing in English. The workshop includes examples of successful UBC CGS-D research proposals (CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC) as well as dedicated time to write in community.

Highlights of this in-person event include light refreshments (coffee, tea, snacks) and 30-minute written feedback writing consultations with a doctoral peer from the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication. Registrants will receive a link to book their writing consultation on Thursday, August 29 at 4pm. Appointments will take place one day after the workshop on September 5. Bookings will be on a first come first served basis, available exclusively to workshop attendees.

Facilitator: Dr. Patty Kelly, Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication

Location: IKBLC, Level 3, Dodson Room

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 4, 2024: 10:00am – 1:00pm PT

Writing Consultations: 1:30pm  2:30pm PT

The Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication does not record workshops or share workshop slides.

Questions about this event? Please contact the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication: cwsc.info@ubc.ca.




The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Patrick Pow

“Measurements of Evapotranspiration and Greenhouse Gas Exchange Over a Conventionally Managed Forage Crop”

Thursday, August 15th, 2024 – 9:00 AM

 Exam Location: RM 200 Graduate Student Centre 6371 Crescent Rd.


Chair: Dr. D. Srivastava

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. A. Black – Supervisor
Dr. Jassal– Committee member                                                                                                            Dr. S. Smukler – Committee Member                                                                                                  Dr. M. Johnson – External Member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. A. Black – Supervisor                                                                                                                          Dr. M. Johnson – Committee member                                                                                                Dr. X. Bi – University Examiner                                                                                                              Dr. M. Novak – University Examiner                                                                                                     Dr. G. Hernandez Ramirez – External Examiner