Upcoming Webinars / Virtual Conferences from the Canadian Nutrition Society


Upcoming Events you won’t want to miss!

There are a number of free educational webinars and virtual conferences coming up from the Canadian Nutrition Society … and more on the way!

Watch our website for updates! REGISTER TODAY!

Fall Webinar Line-up

Food Access Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This event is filling up – REGISTER SOON!
Wednesday, October 21, 12:00 – 13:00 ET

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed daily life for citizens in most countries around the world. The speed at which citizens have had to react and adapt to government directives for physical distancing is unprecedented, producing a number of hardships in acquiring the essentials of life. Of particular importance to understand is the impact that the pandemic has had on access to food, which will have been affected for a variety of reasons; e.g. economic challenges resulting from job loss, agricultural impacts, self-isolation, or apprehension to shop in-store due to concerns about exposure to the SARS-CoV2 virus. This webinar will present findings from two projects that have evaluated consumer risk perceptions and food access impacts of the pandemic: 1) a Quebec provincial household survey investigation and 2) a Pan-Canadian survey study on consumer perceptions and experiences.

Speakers: Daiva Nielsen, PhD and Wallapak Polasub, PhD

Learn More & Register


Carbohydrates Under Target: Ketogenic diet and Type 1 Diabetes

Wednesday, November 4, 12:00 – 13:00 ET

Data from type 1 diabetes registries show that over 4 out of 5 patients have A1c levels above the 7% target. Therefore, a large proportion people with type 1 diabetes are struggling to achieve good diabetes control and are avidly looking for strategies, such as the ketogenic diet, to improve it. There is indeed a growing interest in limiting carbohydrate in the diabetes community, however healthcare professionals are sometimes reluctant to provide guidance on how low we can limit the carbohydrate intake due to the lack of information related to safety issues. During this presentation, we will explore the short terms impact of the ketogenic diet on diabetes management and discuss the potential safety issues in the context of type 1 diabetes. We will consider the patients’ perspectives for adopting this diet and review the pros and cons to allow informed decision from the patient.

Speaker: Anne-Sophie Brazeau, PhD, RD

Learn More & Register

Upcoming Virtual Conferences

Registration now open!

·         Mini Virtual Conference Series

Assessing Diet Quality / Dietary Intake Using Contemporary Methods
Friday, November 20, 2020 – Learn more/Register
Pediatric Nutrition: From the womb to 1000 days!
Thursday, February 25, 2021 – Learn more/Register

Nutrition in Diverse Populations
Friday, March 26, 2021 – Learn more/Register

CNS 2021 Thematic Conference: Advances and Controversies in Nutrition and Diabetes

This virtual conference will be held over two half days and will explore advances and controversies in the nutritional management of diabetes through exposure to research and practice perspectives. Attendees will participate in a “real time” experience, including live Q and A, a Virtual Poster Expo, exhibits, networking, and much more
Friday, January 22, 2021 & Saturday, January 23, 2021
Learn more/Register

Highlights from the CNS Education Portal

Past CNS webinar recordings and slide handouts continue to be available on our Education Portal to support ongoing learning. Here are a few from the archives:

All Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ Webinars were recorded and are also available for viewing in the CNS Education Portal:







Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program: Applications due October 28


Dear Shelley,

I write from Columbia University’s Earth Institute on behalf of the postdoctoral research program in sustainable development.  This two-year program is open to innovative postdoctoral scholars who are dedicated to a better understanding of critical scientific and social issues in global sustainable development.

Last year, you helped share our announcement with your doctoral students and networks.  I hope you might do so again this year.  The announcement follows.

Earth Institute, Columbia University

Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program in Sustainable Development



The Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, NY, seeks applications from innovative, doctoral candidates or recent Ph.D., M.D., J.D., or Sc.D. recipients (within 5 years of degree receipt) interested in a broad range of issues in sustainable development. The Institute is especially interested in qualified candidates from historically underrepresented groups for its Diversity Fellowships.

The Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research program provides scholars with the opportunity to acquire and apply the cross-disciplinary expertise needed to address critical issues of sustainable development such as food security, energy systems, climate change impacts, poverty reduction, disease, and environmental degradation. Candidates who have developed cross-disciplinary approaches during their graduate studies will find numerous, unique opportunities to engage in programs at the leading edge of sustainable development research.

Candidates must complete the online application and submit a proposal for research that would contribute to global, sustainable development. Candidates may suggest contributing to or expanding on existing Earth Institute programs or developing new projects that integrate the breadth of expertise of the Earth Institute. Candidates are strongly encouraged to identify and contact a mentor prior to submitting an application.

The deadline to submit an application is October 28, 2020 for 24-month appointments starting in the fall of 2021. The salary is $67,530.

For more information about the program, the diversity fellowship, and to apply, visit www.earth.columbia.edu/postdocs or email eipostdocs@ei.columbia.edu. Videos of past research symposia are available here.

The program is open to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. All doctoral requirements must be fulfilled and the degree awarded within 5 years before the start of the appointment. Gaps in employment or studies will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Columbia University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Gabriella Cohen (she/her)
Senior Program Manager
Office of Academic and Research Programs
The Earth Institute, Columbia University

gcohen@ei.columbia.edu I 212.854.0418

LFS Check In / Check Out Surveys


LFS Check in/Check out Surveys

We would like to give you a heads up that there will be some small changes to the LFS Check in and Check out survey questions starting FRIDAY OCT 16th 5 PM!

  • Name input (free text will be changed to First name, Last name)
  • Time of entry/exit will be REMOVED
  • Dominant work location (instead of free text, this will become a choice of building, then floors)

Please note that you can continue to access the surveys at the homepage of my.landfood.ubc.ca or using the QR codes.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for our Covid-19 plans and preparation, please submit it to our anonymous feedback survey or email us at lfs-mcm-ops@lists.ubc.ca .


Scholarships Info Sessions: CGS-M Master’s


Author: Natalie Thorson

Dear graduate programs,

Please share the following information with 1st year full time, research-based Master’s students and (if possible) 4th year undergraduate students planning to pursue a full-time, research-based master’s program.

CGS-Master’s Scholarship Workshop: Writing the Research Proposal

Date: Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Format: Online
For more information and to register: https://libcal.library.ubc.ca/event/3565933

Applying for a CGS-M (Master’s) Scholarship – Competition Details and Application Procedure

Date: Monday, 26 October 2020
Time: 10:00 to 11:00 am
Format: Online
For more information and to register: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/19627-applying-cgs-m-masters-scholarship-competition-details-application-procedure

For more information about the CGS-M, please see our webpage: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/awards/canada-graduate-scholarships-masters-cgs-m-program