LFS Scholar Seminar: Health Benefits of Optimising B-vitamin Status Across the Life Cycle and Impact of Transitioning to Healthy Diets from Sustainable Resources


Our next Scholar seminar is just around the corner! Dr. Mary Ward will be visiting our faculty as a guest of the Human Nutrition program. She is currently a professor of Nutrition and Dietetics and Ulster University as well as Director of the Wellcome Trust-Wolfson Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility at the City Hospital Belfast and president of the British Nutrition Society. Her research focusses on B-vitamins involved in 1-C metabolism.

When: Friday, March 14th 10am-11am.

Where: MCML 256


Coffee and cookie social for half an hour afterwards!

Research to Impact – Skills, Tools and Practices for Knowledge Exchange and Mobilization

  •      When: March 10
  •      Time: 12:00-1:00 PM
  •      Where: AERL 107
  •      Extras: Lunch will be provided

Led by Alia Januwalla from UBC’s Knowledge Exchange Unit. In this session Alia will introduce key concepts of Knowledge Exchange and Mobilization (KxM) and explore strategies to connect research with real-world impact. You’ll gain insights into mapping knowledge users, identifying engagement opportunities, and applying frameworks to enhance the societal relevance of your research.

Plus, there’s free lunch!

Do you have specific questions for Alia? Feel free to send your questions as a response to this email so Alia can tailor the discussion to your interests.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Register now: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e9RaC45XK6YOSlo

2025 Summer LFS TA Application Window


Coming Next Week: 2025 Summer LFS TA Application open March 3rd -March 14 only!

LFS TA Application for all 2025 Summer Terms

This summer, there are a few LFS classes with TAships available (hours will vary).
Most courses will be held in Summer Term 1, May 12 – June 19, 2025.

LFS TA Application opens Monday, March 3rd by 10:30am and
closes Friday, March 14th at 4:30pm

This is a hard deadline – If you are interested, apply early!

For more details, go to the LFS TA Application (click here).

Upcoming Francophonie Month Events for STEM and Medicine Students


The Centre de la Francophonie of UBC would like to share with you two events in March that may be of particular interest to you. if you wish to participate please register on our website :

March 5 – Federal Job Market workshop hosted by Parisa Pakzad, Human Resources Advisor – The presentation given in English will cover :

  • Job opportunities available for students
  • The advantages of speaking French in federal employment
  • Initiatives aimed at promoting the recruitment of Indigenous peoples and individuals with disabilities
  • A Q&A session will follow.

????️ Wednesday March 5, 2025
???? 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
???? Buchanan Tower, Room 1112 (Floor 11)

March 13 : Conference about Machine Learning in Genomics with Emmanuel Cazottes, postdoctoral fellow at UBC’s Biomedical School of Engineering – The conference will be in French.

À l’ère du big data génomique, comprendre comment la séquence d’ADN orchestre le fonctionnement du vivant reste un défi majeur. Alors que nous sommes capables de séquencer rapidement des génomes entiers, l’interprétation de ces données génétiques demeurent complexes. Les techniques d’apprentissage automatique (machine learning) émergent comme des outils prometteurs pour déchiffrer le code génétique. Cette présentation propose d’examiner les avancées récentes dans ce domaine, tout en nous penchant sur les défis actuels, notamment dans la représentation des régions régulatrices comme les enhancers.

????️ Thursday March 13, 2025
???? 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
???? Buchanan Tower, Room 726 (Floor 7)
???? Wine & snacks provided

The event will also provide a unique opportunity to connect with the French scientific community in Canada and exchange ideas on the prospects for its development and structuring.