2016 Roots on the Roof Membership

Roots on the Roof is a club that maintains the rooftop garden on the 4th floor of the AMS Student Nest. We want to build experiences around food to engage community members in relationships with and around food.

We are currently looking for members who would be interested in joining our club. The membership is $5 and include the following benefits:

  • Free soil (within reason)
  • Free access to our seed library (within reason)
  • Free access to our canning equipment
  • Priority sign ups for events/workshops
  • Opportunity to participate in our Community Plot program to manage a garden plot with a group!

Volunteer opportunities and notifications about events/workshops are available on our Facebook and Instagram.

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Graduate and Professional School’s Fair – Sept 28-29, 2016

Looking for an opportunity to network with schools and organizations? Looking to discover your next academic steps?

Graduate and Professional School’s Fair will be taking place in the AMS Student Nest from 10am-3pm on Sept 28th and 29th.

To access booth layout information and learn more about the two-day event, visit the Career Days Website: http://students.ubc.ca/career/events/gradfair

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Harvest Feastival – Sept 22, 2016

Enjoy a delicious family-style dinner outdoors at University Commons followed by art shows and exhibits in UBC’s Arts and Culture District.

The event takes place on Sept 22, 2016 at 4:30pm outside the AMS Student Nest.

Tickets cost $22 for students.

Check out more about the Harvest Feastival: http://ubcplanning.universitytickets.com/user_pages/event.asp?id=186&cid=32

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UBC’s Learning Technology Renewal Project – Deadline Sept 30, 2016

The end of UBC’s current license with Blackboard Learn (Connect) is approaching, and UBC needs to assess future options for the application that sits at the core of our Learning Technology ecosystem.

You are invited to provide  feedback as to how the Learning Management System needs to change to better meet your needs as a learner at UBC through:

Project website: http://lthub.ubc.ca/projects/learning-tech-environment-renewal/

To complete the survey as a student, or join a focus group visit: http://lthub.ubc.ca/Connext

Survey completion deadline: Sept 30, 2016

Participate in a 1hr feedback session that will occur mid-end September. To register: http://lthub.ubc.ca/lterenewal/

There is also an opportunity to attend a Town Hall meeting on October 6 from 3:30pm – 5:30pm in AERL 120 (additional information and registration will be available on https://events.ctlt.ubc.ca/events/)

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Career Days – Sept 28-29, 2016

Looking for an opportunity to network and explore your career options?

Career Days will be taking place in the AMS Student Nest from 10am-3pm on Sept 28th and 29th. Here you can network with multiple individuals, organizations and companies.

To access booth layout information and learn more about the two-day event, visit the Career Days Website: http://students.ubc.ca/career/events/careerdays

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International Student Awards – Deadline Sept 30, 2016

Are you an outstanding international undergraduate student at UBC’s Vancouver Campus? You may be eligible for an award!

Check out the International Community Achievement Awards.

You may be eligible if you have demonstrated leadership in the community, international engagement, intercultural understanding, promotion of diversity on campus or in artistic or athletic pursuits.

Application Deadline: Sept 30, 2016

To find out more visit: http://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/awards/international

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Managing Your Budget at UBC Workshop – Sept 28, 2016

Need help managing your budget this school year?

Join UBC Enrolment Services Professionals on Wednesday, September 28th from 2-2:50pm for a free workshop to help you prepare financially for your year at UBC.

Location: Irving K Barber Learning Centre, Learning Commons – Lillooet Room (301)

This workshop is available in person or online.

For more information, visit: http://www.calendar.events.ubc.ca/cal/event/eventView.do?subid=-1&calPath=%2Fpublic%2FEvents+Calendar%2FEnrolment+Services&guid=CAL-09d22401-56e0dfbf-0156-e1ca5716-00000018myubc-team@interchange.ubc.ca&recurrenceId=

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Trek Program Application – Deadline Sept 25, 2016

The Trek Program is a year long non-credit local community service learning program that combines weekly community service with on-campus learning opportunities. Through Trek, you can contribute to your community, gain real-world experience, and build lasting connections.

Application Deadline: Sept 25, 2016

To learn more…

Visit Wesbrook 300 during office hours

  • Mondays 1-:30-4pm
  • Tuesdays 1:30-4pm
  • Thursdays 1:30-4pm

or Trek website: http://students.ubc.ca/career/community-experiences/trek

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LFS Community Meeting – Sept 21, 2016

The Community Meeting for LFS faculty, staff and students will take place on Wednesday, September 21 from 12:00-1:00 pm in MCML 154, MacMillan Building.  Please note change of date and location.  Coffee and cookies will be provided.


12:00-12:15 dean’s message

12:15 -12:30 about BCIA (BC Institute of Agrologists) – Bob Moody

12:30-12:45 directed study assessing the prevalence and predictors of food insecurity – Carrie James

12:45-12:55 CourseEval – Chris Scaman

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BC Food Protection Association Student poster competition – due Oct 3, 2016

BC Food Protection Association Student poster competition:

Student posters related to food safety is welcomed!

Abstract (<250 words) submit to: vicepresident@bcfpa.net

Deadline: Oct 3, 2016

Acceptance: Oct 7, 2016


If you want to become a member, please visit: https://bcfoodprotection.wildapricot.org/join-us/

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