Call for Participants: AMS TLEF Project on Environmental Ethics. Apply by Apr 15, 2016

Call for Student Participants in project titled “Sustainability Case Studies: A Model for Interdisciplinary Learning and Showcasing of Student Work”

The AMS is seeking students interested in working closely with professors on a project related to environmental ethics and sustainability. This project is part of the AMS’s goal to promote the creation and use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) at UBC, and is a partnership with professors and students from various departments and Faculties. The project is being funded by UBC’s Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (see

What are OERs?

OERs are educational resources that are free for anyone to access, edit, and redistribute, and can include textbooks, academic journals, and any other learning materials. Because OERs are free, they save students money on course resources; because they can be edited and redistributed by anyone, they allow students to create content for audiences beyond just their professors. Learn more at

What will this new OER be?

Students and professors will co-create an OER that will be hosted on the UBC Wiki. It will include case studies that pose problems and dilemmas related to the environment and sustainability, along with commentary about how various disciplines would approach these problems, and teaching resources for use in courses. The resource is meant to give professors and students insight into how different disciplines would approach the same difficult environmental problems, fostering interdisciplinary learning.

Who is participating?

So far, professors from the following disciplines: philosophy, political science, land and food systems, geography, economics, law and society, forestry, and earth and ocean sciences. We hope more faculty and students from these and other relevant disciplines will participate. Support will also be provided by the UBC Library and Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.

How will it be created?

Students will join professors for a 2-day, intensive “sprint” in May (date TBD), during which the resource will be created. Professors will do some background work beforehand, and students will assist in creating the case studies, disciplinary commentary, and teaching resources. After the sprint, professors will use the resource to create assignments that allow students to continue to add to it, building it up over future years.

Why participate?

A chance to:

  • Work directly with faculty and peers over 2 intensive days
  • Help create a resource that will be used by faculty and hundreds of students in future years
  • Enjoy free food and coffee while working in the AMS Student Nest

How to participate?

If you have experience studying a discipline that is related to the themes of this project, email with your name, year level, program of study, a few sentences about your interests in the themes, and your availability during May 2016. The deadline to do so is April 15, 2016, but spots are limited and may fill up before this time.

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SOIL Apprenticeship Program

SOIL is an accessible framework for getting folks that think they may be interested in farming to try it out for a season through hands-on learning. It’s also a great format for experienced farms to share their knowledge and bring new people into the industry.

What it SOIL?

  • A non profit program, that links farmers with young folks wanting to learn and work on an organic farm using sustainable practices. We aim to create apprenticeships which transfer lasting knowledge to both the farmer and the apprentice.
  • The host farms that list with SOIL, are farms which emphasis organic techniques with little or no dependence on pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Beyond that they represent a wide variety of focus and practices; from market garden businesses, biodynamic farms, animal husbandry operations of all sizes, orchards, seed companies to name a few. Whatever your operation there is someone out there who wants to learn from you!

How SOIL works

  • Apprenticeships are available to anyone over 18 years old who is healthy, self motivated and eager to learn. A time commitment of eight weeks is usually required, but a full-season commitment is usually preferred. Typically, apprenticeships take place between May and September, although many farms need help all year round.
  • SOIL provides the listing service for host farm opportunities and acts as an initial liaison between the farmer and prospective apprentices. SOIL endeavors to match the apprentice with the farm according to the information given by both parties.
  • Farms must make a commitment to provide a teaching component to the apprenticeship. They are encouraged to provide a monthly stipend and/or wage to the apprentice. It is the responsibility of both parties to come to a working agreement.

More information on our site and please don’t hesitate to contact Keeley Nixon or SOIL Coordinator Jordan Marr at with any questions you may have.

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Guest Lecturer: James Calissi, Intellectual Property for Tree Fruit Crops – Mar 3, 2016

James Calissi will be giving a guest lecture on Thursday March 3rd, 10:30 am in MCML256. Everyone is welcomed!

James Calissi has commercialized intellectual property for tree fruit crops for the past 15 years. During that period he has managed over 15 patents in 25 countries, and has travelled to most of those counties to meet with clients and establish commercialization plans. He is well versed in patents and trademarks and how to use them to ensure a new tree fruit variety has the greatest success in the market place. As an example, James commercialized the Ambrosia apple cultivar, taking the variety from being a cottage industry apple in British Columbia to a variety that is produced worldwide, with sales in the tens of millions. Currently James operates his own private company, commercializing new tree fruit varieties from Canadian and European breeders.

James holds a B.Sc. in Horticulture and a M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics from UBC and is a Professional Agrologist.

This talk will be given as part of an MFRE course, FRE 503: Policy Analysis for Food, Environment and Resources.

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100 Years of WISE: Women in Science and Engineering | Mar 9, 2016

100 Years WISE: Women in Science and Engineering

The University of British Columbia (UBC) and the UBC National Core for Neuroethics are hosting a major event entitled, 100 Years WISE: Women in Science and Engineering Bridging the Past and the Future, to be held on March 9, 2016 at the Chan Shun Concert Hall at The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, in Vancouver, BC. This event will provide an opportunity for the local and international academic and public community to engage in a dynamic discussion about empowered leadership and WISE diversity with a former Canadian Prime Minister, university presidents, health and industry leaders, and more.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 | 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, 6265 Crescent Road, Vancouver

The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required for admission.

Additional seating has been added! Get your tickets here.

See the list of speakers at:

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United Way Community Conference | Mar 12, 2016

Where do you see yourself in five years? Law or medical school? Grad school? Entrepreneurship? Question is: From volunteering to work experience, how do you even get there? The United Way Community Conference (UWCC) aims to help you leverage your skills to get the career you want.

Featuring workshops and a diverse career panel, including students from UBC Faculty of Medicine and UBC Allard School of Law, their knowledge will empower you with insight about how volunteerism contributed to their successes and how non-profits operate.

Volunteering for a non-profit isn’t limited to “helping others”. It can be the defining trait that sets you apart from hundreds of equally qualified applicants for a spot in graduate school and the unique gateway to the career you want.

Date: Saturday, March 12, 2016 | 9:30am – 2:45pm

Place: UBC Liu Institute for Global Issues (6476 NW Marine Drive)

Tickets available here ($5).

Facebook event page:

Website link:

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MFRE Speaker Series: Monte Staats, Hop Yard Collective – Mar 4, 2016

MFRE is hosting a seminar series: MFRE Food &  Agribusiness Speaker Series and would like to invite you!

The next seminar is on (please note location and time change):

Friday, March 4th, 2016

Monte Staats, Manager of Hop Yard, Operations, Persephone Farms Persephone Brewing Company, Open Demonstration Hop Yard and Business Resource Centre

Monte Staats holds a degree from the Masters of Land and Water Systems program at UBC and is co-founder of Hop Yard Collective, a small business that is attempting to find innovative ways to support and grow the hops industry in BC.  Monte has been involved in designing, constructing and farming hops on the Sunshine Coast in an effort to forward the BC hops movement and support the local craft beer movement. He has most recently worked with Persephone Brewing Co. developing a feasibility plan and working business models for a small scale commercial hops farming in BC.

Location: FSC 1001

Time: 11:00am-12:30pm

Find out more about the guests and the series here:

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March 2016 International Student Workshops | Mar 10 & 17, 2016

International Student Workshops

All workshops will be held in the Upper Lounge at International House

Post-graduate work permit

March 10, 4:15 pm

March 17, 12:00 pm


Extending your study permit and Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) 

March 10, 12:00 pm

March 17, 4:15 pm

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2016 Storm The Wall | Mar 20 – 23. Register by Mar 11

Are you ready for one of UBC’s most iconic experiences? Swim, sprint, bike, run & STORM THE WALL! Participate as a Competitive or Just-for-Fun team, or challenge yourself to do the whole course on your own as an Iron Person. A fun & exciting UBC tradition!

For more information about Storm The Wall, event schedule and to register, please visit the Storm The Wall website.

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Wonder Women Networking Event | Mar 8, 2016

Wonder Women Networking Evening is an event of networking, discussion and mentorship and is open to everyone who identifies as a woman in STEM. This event connects young science, technology and engineering enthusiasts with mentors in a range of fields and is set to inspire next generation of female scientist. The aim of the event is brings together participants entering science careers to be inspired and see possibilities of careers in Science and Technology.

Undergraduate and graduate students will find the event particularly relevant. We also invite postdoctoral researchers and working professionals to sharpen your networking skills and connect with women who are as passionate about science, technology and engineering as you are! Join us for a lively evening of networking, food and fun. Make new friends and find a mentor!

Entrance includes: 
 * Light dinner (pizza & salad with juice or water)
 * A chance to learn from more than 30 local women with careers in STEM
 * Printed biographies of the Wonder Women
 * Networking with Wonder Women as well as other participants
 * An OMNIMAX® Film
 * Door Prizes
Date : Tuesday March 8 , 2016
Time : 5:15 – 9:30 PM
Location : Science World at TELUS World of Science, 1455 Quebec Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 3Z7
Ticket price : $10 SCWIST members, $15 non-members

Buy your ticket here

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MFRE Speaker Series: Heather Wood, Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Feb 26, 2016

MFRE is hosting a seminar series: MFRE Resource & Environment Speaker Series and would like to invite you!

The next seminar is on Friday, February 26th:

Heather Wood, Senior Policy Analyst at Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Heather Wood is the Regional Manager of Aquaculture Programs, based in the Pacific regional office of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Previous positions held at DFO include Senior Marine Protected Areas Coordinator and International Policy Team Lead. Prior to joining DFO, she spent 10 years working with Environment Canada in both Ottawa and Vancouver as a Senior Policy Advisor on international and intergovernmental issues, with a primary focus on Canada-US relations. Before joining the Federal Government, Heather worked in both the private and NGO sectors as a land-use planner and strategic advisor on natural resource issues. Heather has a BAH in Geography from Queen’s University and a Masters’ of Urban Planning from McGill.

Location: Room MCML160

Time: 3:30 to 5:00pm

Find out more about the guest and the series here:

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