The Victoria Times Colonist recently published an article on the Colonial Despatches project, which involved the digitization of letters between Vancouver Island and the Colonial Office in London.

This project was supported by the B.C. History Digitization Program, an initiative launched by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre in 2006.

The article also pays tribute to Ike Barber and his contributions to digitization efforts in B.C.

You can view the piece here.

The latest instalment of “From the Archives” is now available in the Grad Gazette, a monthly e-newsletter published by UBC Alumni Affairs.

“From the Archives” is a regular feature provided by UBC Library that highlights noteworthy aspects of UBC’s history. This latest piece, written by Archivist Erwin Wodarczak, examines the UBC Book of Remembrance.

You can view the article here.

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