Ironically while looking for examples of social media sites to post on the blog, I was on Facebook and one of my fellow writers and bloggers, Sarah J. Maas, mentioned a website for novice writers – Fictionpress. Fictionpress is a nonprofit, free site for people who write original stories as a hobby but have no interest – or at least initially in getting them published. Users can upload their stories and poems or review stories and poems by other writers on the site. Maas was on Fictionpress before she published her novel, Throne of Glass. Originally Maas posted the novel (chapter by chapter) with no intention of publishing but then recieved tremendous feedback from people all over the work – positive, critical and some negative – and decided to remove her novel from the site and polish it for querying and ultimately publishing. In the case of Fictionpress, the site provides a common space for writers to interact – either anonymously or by name – and receive feedback on their work without the pressure of actual publication.
-Kiran Heer
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