For our first media project we decided to adapt Shel Silverstein’s “Where the Sidewalk Ends” using Instagram and Stupeflix.
Here is our video:
“Where the Sidewalk Ends”… and Instagram begins.
And, here is a .pdf of our rationale and our rough rubric for assessing such a product:
May the English(es) be with you!
-Leona, Naz, Dalyce, and George
1 response so far ↓
TMD // Jul 17th 2014 at 10:08 am
Dear Leona, Naz, Dalyce, and George,
Thanks very much for this creative adaptation of “Where the Sidewalk Ends.” I’d not come across the application you used to create this video before. Like you, I find it very easy to use and can see the merits of having students experiment in this creative space should they wish to (those who prefer other creative spaces for video production might be given the freedom to use an application of their choice to achieve a similar product).
In class you noted that you experimented with different music tracks. I would be interested in hearing more about how those tracks modified your sense of the poem. A simple exercise of asking students to produce, say, three identical videos with different music tracks would afford opportunity for them to contemplate how the message may be modified through music.
The write up is lacking a few elements (look at the syllabus to see the five-question format), but overall you’ve touched on the key points.
Thanks again for this creative contribution!
Best regards,
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