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Giving the Consumer What They Want

This blog post I wanted to discuss an external marketing blog. This one is particularly important to me because of its content. I spend a majority of my free time fundraising for various initiatives that I run or am a part of. I soon came to the realization that you cannot just tell people about the cause and expect to get a lot of money. Every day we are bombarded with charitable ventures that may have equally as important missions but the fact is, we just do not have the money or time to contribute to all of them. So how do you choose?

Well in the marketing blog “Drew’s Marketing Minute” he discusses in one of his posts the need to focus on the wants of the consumer. He states that too many companies focus only on what the perks are of their product and its function and too little on what it can DO for the consumer.

Planning and running fundraisers I very quickly learned that people want an exchange for their money. On the most basic level someone might feel good about making a difference and therefore have received something in exchange for their donation. However most of the time, someone will need more. A silent auction or even a competition of some kind with an entry fee to go to charity can provide the consumer with a product or experience in return for their donation.

I have related this external blog post to non profit, however in any kind of marketing it is key that advertisements recognize the needs of the consumer and are shown to be of concern to the company in question.

The charitable organization that I represent in Western Canada

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