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Archive for October, 2011

iPhone 4S: brought to you by the rumors around iPhone 5

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

So, when i clickled safari and my browser window opened reavealing the sleek design of my iPhone with an S tacked on the end, I was ultimately relieved. For weeks I had been grumpy about that fact that the new iPhone 5 was about to make my cutting edge piece of technolog obsolete. However when […]

RE: Limiting Caffeine in Energy Drinks

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Here is the link to my comment on Adelle Tepper’s socially relevant and interesting article on the government limiting caffeine in energy drinks. My further analysis on the subject includes my emphasis in my comment about the long term effects. Being a young indivdual that is constantly exposed to new technology, it is sometimes important […]

Technology in Business

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

When you look around a house, a business and even some classrooms you might find yourself inundated with the newest technology of the decad. The current rage, whatever it may be seems like magic to those who witnessed something as primary as the invention of the first Tv. Now you can access your technology at […]

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