Past Research

Alternative Intervention for Marijuana Suspension (AIMS)

Over the past decade educators have noticed a growing trend in the number of students possessing marijuana, its paraphernalia, and/or coming to class under the influence. While there are avenues available to deal with these students, some educators believe that the current methods have not addressed the true problem, marijuana use. In recognition of this problem, the Alternative Intervention for Marijuana Suspension (AIMS) was developed through the cooperation of the RCMP, School District #23, ARC Programs LTD., and the PATH Research Group (Okanagan University College) to provide an alternative program for these students.

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Project on Adolescent Trajectories and Health (PATH)

The Project on Adolescent Trajectories and Health (PATH) was a 3 year longitudinal research study investigating adolescent risk taking behaviours and health outcomes. Our approach is unique in that it explores the social and cognitive roots of behaviour that put adolescents at risk.
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