Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Miscellaneous'

#029: In The Night Garden…creepy shiznit!

November 30th, 2008 5 Comments

Currently listening to: “Maurice au bistro” – Les Cowboys Fringants So most of you know that I work at Indigo. Work is always delightful; usually, it’s a complete laugh, and the books we get in are moderately decent, for the most part. Except on rare occasions. The other day at work, I was shelving a […]

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#028: Jeux d’enfants

November 23rd, 2008 3 Comments

Currently listening to: “Jezebel” – Two Hours Traffic Most. Adorable. Movie. EVER.


#027: Multiple orders of business!

November 19th, 2008 1 Comment

Currently listening to: “Foux de Fafa” – Flight of the Conchords hello, I am Mary, hear me ramble. Order of Business Numero UNO: HEY JAYNE, I HEAR YA. The first thing you learn in Arts One is that you can’t write. Not even for change, baby. Not even Plato can save you. You’re in the […]

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#026: Rousseau, Tricot Machine, and other randoms

November 16th, 2008 Comments Off on #026: Rousseau, Tricot Machine, and other randoms

Currently listening to: “Pas fait en chocolat” – Tricot Machine So, the Rousseau essay for Arts One is still in progress. Five hundred-ish more words to go! Listening to delightful French ditties while drumming out paragraphs on inequality is quite entertaining but time-consuming. Ah well, at least the Discourse on Inequality was easy and enjoyable […]

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#024: Positively delightful!

November 12th, 2008 4 Comments

Currently listening to: “Oxford Comma” – Vampire Weekend THINGS THAT MADE ME SMILE TODAY (: 1. Crepe sale avec Le Club Français in MASS today- yummy! With a queue stretching all the way past the doors, French music playing, and of course, a great amount of FOOD, t’was a great deal of fun indeed. Ah, […]

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