Thinking Outside the [Kick]Box

Today marks the conclusion of UBC Recreation’s Free Week for drop in classes.  Unfortunately, I did not meet my goal of going to a new class ever day, but I did make it out to 5 classes, most notably a Street Kickboxing class.  I know next to nothing about kickboxing, but always thought it would be a fun class to try, at the very least for its cardiovascular benefits and to learn something new.  Unbeknownst to me, the class had a strong emphasis on how to actually injure your opponent (truthfully, I did not know what I thought would happen in a martial arts class, but I did not think it would contain graphic details of smashing your opponents nose into the back of their skull).  After warming up with standing twists for literally over five minutes, we spent the rest of the class shadow boxing, which meant that in practice I did not actually have to smash anyone’s nose in.  But in order to actually get something out of this class besides a bit of sweat, I thought I would try to apply the lessons the instructor emphasized to my own life and university.

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Moving In and Moving On

      Move in day is the quintessential university experience: carting in all the kitchen appliances, clothes and books you may or may not use at all first year, meeting your roommates, finally saying goodbye to your parents.  It can either be a great time or just another stressful experience.  Hopefully these tips will help other first years figure out how to have a successful move in 🙂

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