Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

Berkley ePortfolio Report

I ran across this report almost at random… (gotta love google).. LDP ePortfolio Report. The objective of the report is: “The UC Berkeley Leadership Development Program (LDP) ePortfolio Project Team was asked to research and make a recommendation as to … Continue reading

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Summary of e-Portfolios from a UK perspective

Nice recent e-portfolio summary: E-portfolio and its relationship to personal development planning: A view from the UK for Europe and beyond . By Simon Grant, Peter Rees Jones, Rob Ward (CRA and CETIS LIPSIG): 2004-04-07.

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Learning Circuits – Online Training Games

An overview of using online games for training purposes appears in the APril Learning Circuits. An Intro to Online Training Games By James Kirk and Robert Belovics. My friends Bonita and Bob will like this one! They are the Community … Continue reading

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Job Posting: e-Portfolio Community of Practice Coordinator

UBC has a very exciting e-portfolio initiative underway… and we are looking for a coordinator for this project – description is posted below. Application instructions are online . Cover letter (statement of interest) and CV can be sent via e-mail. … Continue reading

Posted in Electronic Portfolios | 3 Comments

A Plesiosaur walk on the beach

Can you imagine walking along a beach, looking down and seeing a plesiosaur? Sea reptile fossil found on beach Nick Collard discovered the bones of the plesiosaur – a 1.5 metre-long sea creature which lived 188 million years ago – … Continue reading

Posted in Geology Sites | 1 Comment

Chemistry Tools, CMU

Via Online Learning update for this link to the press release about a new web site and toolset for chemistry educators: Internet-based tools could bridge gap in chemistry education, reports Carnegie Mellon Univ.. DAvid Yaron of Carnegie Mellon has spearheaded … Continue reading

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A Planning and Assessment Model for Developing Effective CMS Support

Doug Johnson of The University of Florida contributes a nice summary of support considerations for a course management system in the Spring 2004 Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration: A Planning and Assessment Model for Developing Effective CMS SupportThe journal … Continue reading

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Nice! Ten Efficient Research Strategies for Distance Learning

After reading “Thirty-two Trends Affecting Distance Education: An Informed Foundation for Strategic Planning LINK” I should have expected to find another excellent article that involves the BYU group… and they did not disappoint… From the Online Journal of Distance Learning … Continue reading

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Blog Weary? NY Times

The New York Times article Blog-Bleary? Try (What Else?) a Blog tackles ways to keep up with high volumes of Blog traffic. The main purpose of the article seems to to announce a new service — Kinja (which opens … Continue reading

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Checklist for Quality Distance Courses — Oreg. Su

Oregon State University has a nice checklist for developing Distance Education courses. Quality Assurance Checklist, Faculty Resources, Oregon State University Extended Campus The checklist includes both the department and course needs — the overall development strategy.

Posted in Distance Learning | Education | 1 Comment