Using Technology to Engage Science Teachers in Professional Development
Recently I became actively involved in the BC Association of Physics Teachers. I have been involved in BCAPT some years ago, then when I moved to Ontario I was involved with ON APT and now I am back to BC. AAPT and its sections (like BCAPT or OAPT) is a very exciting organization. Yet, I noticed in BC that relatively few physics teachers, especially new physics teachers are involved. This is a matter of concern to me, because many of our new physics teachers are isolated and they are not aware of the physics teaching resources that have already been created. So I decided to try and figure out if having a better and more interactive web site for BCAPT will make a difference. A few weeks ago I created a new web site for BCAPT using WordPress ( We can update it easily and the teachers can make comments and hopefully participate more activiely in the organization. Will this interactive technology help our BC teachers be more engaged in the BCAPT? We will see, but I hope very much that it will.