


January 2025


MarinaMilnerBolotin2016BCURRICULUM VITAE (very brief)

To download my full CV click here:


Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy

University of British Columbia
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4

Tel: 1-(604) 822-5422
Fax: 1-(604) 822-4714

Research Experience:

Associate Professor: July 1, 2015 – Current

Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC:

Assistant Professor: January 1, 2010 – June 30, 2015

I study:

  • How modern technology-based teaching methods, such as: interactive lecture experiments based on the live data collection (Logger Pro-Vernier); electronic feedback systems (clickers); and technology-enhanced collaborative teaching methods and computer simulations, affect: a) – mathematics and science teacher-candidates academic achievement and interest in science; b) – classroom environment as expressed in the nature of student-teacher and student-student interactions; c) – performance of traditionally under-represented groups in sciences and engineering (i.e., girls, minority students, students from low socioeconomic backgrounds); d) – science teachers’ and teacher-candidates’ content and pedagogical knowledge and their motivation in improving their teaching and their students’ learning.
  • The effectiveness of different modes of student collaboration in math and science learning.
  • The effects of student academic and socioeconomic background on their academic achievement and choice of major in the first year introductory science courses.
  • The process of the design, implementation and evaluation of novel project-based physics/science/educational technology courses for physics and for non-physics majors, as well as for future science and mathematics teacher-candidates and practicing teachers.
  • The effects of mathematics and science outreach on student learning, interest and motivation.

Teaching Experience:

Courses Taught:

  • Since 2010 I have been teaching graduate courses at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the UBC Faculty of Education. I developed three graduate courses: Research in mathematics and science teaching and learning (EDCP 559); Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning through Technology (EDCP 585 A/B – face-to-face course); Technology in Mathematics and Science Classroom (ETEC 533)
  • Since 2012 I have been teaching Physics Methods courses for prospective physics teachers at at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the UBC Faculty of Education.
  • Since 2012 I have been teaching inquiry and science methods courses for prospective mathematics and science teachers at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the UBC Faculty of Education.
  • In 2007-2009 I have been teaching introductory statics courses for future engineers at Ryerson university.
  • In 2008-2009, I have been teaching second year modern physics course at Ryerson university.
  • For more than 12 years I taught a wide range of large undergraduate introductory physics courses (100-350 students per section) at the University of British Columbia, Ryerson university, Rutgers, the State University of NJ, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • In 2002-2004, I have been teaching mathematics and science in SchoolPlus in New Jersey.
  • During 1994-1998, I have been a research member of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Science Education Group helping to conduct professional development workshops for mathematics and science teachers.
  • During 1992-1998, I have been a mathematics and science middle school and secondary school teacher in Israel.


Ph.D. in Mathematics and Science Education, May 2001: Specialization: Curriculum and Instruction, Physics & Mathematics Education, The University of TX at Austin.

Dissertation Title: The Effects of Topic Choice in Project-Based Instruction on Undergraduate Physical Science Students’ Interest, Ownership, and Motivation

Master of Arts in Science education, May 2000, The University of TX at Austin.

Thesis Title: Rediscovering Project-Based Instruction for Physics Teaching for Non-science Majors

B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics (with honours); Ukrainian National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1986-1991;

Thesis Title: The Ground State of the Quasi-One Dimensional Conductor with the Charge Density Wave at the Random Field of Impurities.

Teaching Certificate in Physics and Mathematics Education (graduated with honors): Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 1992-1994

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 1993-1997: Professional development courses for mathematics and physics teachers and for graduate science education students.

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