Foundations and Frontiers of Science PER Regional Conference
I feel very fortunate to be able to attend the Foundations and Frontiers of Physics Education Research Regional Conference organized by our colleagues from the Washington State. The conference has 40 participants from Washington, BC, Oregon, Colorado and Idaho. The goal is to exchange ideas and to see where we can collaborate. Since the number of participants is relatively small (AAPT Summer meetings have about 1000 participants), we can interact with each other. We also have an advantage of being located close to each other, so it is easier to establish collaborations. One of the big topics we discussed yesterday was preparation of future physics teachers. We had a working group of 12 people and it worked really well. I also enjoyed very much the presentation by Stephanie Chasteen on how to communicate science effectively. I cannot but thank the organizers for an amazing location (Olympic Part Institute), amazing topics, great organization and wonderful opportunities. I hope that very interesting collaborations will come out of it.