Asking New Questions in Technology Age
While we like to discuss how technology negatively affects our ability to connect with people, I would like to discuss how technology allows us to ask and answer new questions. For example, as we have gotten the results of the new International mathematics and science assessment, we might want to decide to compare different countries. We might want to ask – why Asian countries top the list of the best performers once again, while they invest less per students in education, as compared to other countries? How come Canada, one of the richest countries in the word is still lagging behind. There is no one easy answer here, but it is interesting to compare countries. I just found out a very interesting and interactive web site: If it were my home. It allows me to compare different countries. So I can compare, for example Canada and Singapore. Singapore scored 1st of this assessment while we are only 10th. This is a brief example how technology and access to information allows us to ask new questions. Of course if this web site doesn’t give you sufficient information, I recommend you to visit WolframAlpha. Below, I would like to share my presentation at the Vancouver Toastmasters Club 59 that shared a story about how access to information can affect your interpersonal relationship – I hope to the best.