Hands-On Science: A video resource for STEM students, teachers & parents
What if we engaged new mathematics and science teachers into designing new science and math hands on activities? What if we used technology to document these activities and share them with other teachers, students and parents? This is an idea behind a UBC-funded project that focuses on creating hands-on science and math resources for all. We have been experimenting with it and we have so far six videos, but we know our repository will grow. This is going to be one of the assignments in my future methods courses – not only to demonstrate some science concepts, but also create a video of this demo. We are very fortunate to have Camtasia Studio license at UBC so our students have the right tools to create these resources. I would like to express my thanks to Solmaz, Davor, Gerald, Katerina and many other students who have worked hard to make this happen. We are on the way to have a big collection of hands-on experiments that can be performed in the classroom or at home.

For the YOUTUBE CHANNEL – Science & Math for ALL click here: