STEM Keynote Presentation in Beijing, China
On May 26, 2017 I will be giving a Keynote address in Beijing China. I will be speaking to STEM educators, STEM teacher-educators and teachers. I will talk about the role of technology in STEM education.
Title: Developing deliberate pedagogical thinking with technology in STEM (physics) teacher education
In this interactive presentation I will demonstrate how modern technologies can be used to support STEM teachers in adapting pedagogical practices that aim at engaging students in meaningful STEM learning. The first technology (PeerWise) promotes learner collaboration on designing and answering multiple-choice questions, while the second technology (CLAS) supports learner collaboration on analyzing and reflecting on video recording. I will describe our research that focuses on bridging educational research with pedagogical practice through designing evidence-based STEM teacher education that deliberately utilizes technology to promote active engagement pedagogies in STEM classrooms.
Milner-Bolotin, M., Egersdorfer, D., & Vinayagam, M. (2016). Investigating the effect of question-driven pedagogy on the development of physics teacher-candidates’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Physics Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research, 12(020128), 1-16.
Milner-Bolotin, M. (2016). Promoting Deliberate Pedagogical Thinking with Technology in physics teacher education: A teacher-educator’s journey. In T. G. Ryan & K. A. McLeod (Eds.), The Physics Educator: Tacit Praxes and Untold Stories (pp. 112-141). Champaign, IL: Common Ground and The Learner.