ISfTE 2019 Conference

The photo of the participants of the 2019 International Society for Teacher Education conference (May 12-17, 2019)
I have been very fortunate to attend the ISfTE 2019 conference. This was a very special experience for me for at least three reasons. First of all, this was a new community for me. It is a truly international community of scholars and practitioners who work in teacher education. Hearing ideas from the colleagues from so many countries was very interesting. As far as I remember, the countries represented at the conference were: Canada, USA, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Israel, Jordan, Mexico, Bhutan, Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Kenya, Nigeria, S. Africa, Brazil, India, Australia, etc. The second feature of the conference that blew me away was the organization of the conference in the form of a working group workshop. We were working on our paper drafts with colleagues in order to produce publishable papers as the result. To me it was very productive and useful. What a big difference with the “traditional education conferences”. The third feature is allowing us to explore the area where we were through organized field trips and excursions. This was amazing. And not only we had fun, but we got to know each other and we discussed each other’s work as a result. This was a great idea. I have to say how much I admire the work of the conference organizers from Brock University – Drs. Vera Woloshyn and Leanne Taylor. I will definitely try to attend this conference in the future. And now, my colleagues and I have to write the paper we have been working on and submit it to the August journal issue of the ISfTE journal.