The Second Decade at UBC

I took this picture in May a few years ago when Valery and I camped at Joffre Lake Provincial Park. Some of the ice on the lake already melted, while most of it was still there. So you can see the reflection of the trees and the water on the lake. The lake is located in Joffre Lakes Provincial Park near Pemberton, BC:
Today, I realized that this term I am starting my second decade at the UBC Faculty of Education. Time certainly flew fast and much faster that I could ever expected. It feels as if I returned to UBC only recently and at the same time as if I came a long time ago. Thinking of this last decade, I cannot but feel grateful for the experience. I have learned a lot, learned to deal with the challenges that came my way, met amazing people, and also was able to contribute to both STEM Education research and STEM teaching and outreach at UBC and beyond. It was definitely a learning experience for me.
Now it is January and we are getting ready for the 42nd UBC Physics Olympics with more than 80 preregistered teams from all across BC. Together with my BCAPT colleagues and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, we are preparing a Pro-D day for science teachers to take place at UBC on February 22nd: We are also getting ready for the summer STEM in Education conference to be held by UBC (my colleague Prof. David Anderson and I are conference co-chairs). I am working on a very interesting study with my students and colleagues. So this has been a very interesting and inspiring experience.
Most importantly, I feel now that the Faculty of Education is my home. I am very passionate about STEM teacher education and professional development and I am proud of what we were able to achieve in the last ten years. At the same time, I have big dreams for the next decade. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues, students, and mentors from all across UBC, Canada and the world!