


March 2025

Graduate Students

I am very proud of my graduate students and I am always happy to hear about their future successes. They work on different projects. Many of them have focus on science/mathematics education or the use of technology in science/mathematics education, yet others focus on science outreach (Romy Friedman) or the use of project-based instruction in teaching (Lucy How). Most of my students are or have been science or mathematics teachers. Some of my students are co-supervised by the faculty members in other departments.


Ph.D. Candidates:

Meghan Allen: Started her Ph.D. in the Fall of 2019

James Gauthier: Started his Ph. D. in the Spring of 2017 (co-supervising with Dr. Doug Adler)

M.A. Candidates:

Noel Abraham: Started his M.Ed. in the fall of 2019.

M.Ed. Candidates:

I co-mentor the M.Ed. in STEM Education cohort students who started in 2020 and will be completing in the winter of 2022.

Students for whom I served as a member of the examining committee:

Natasha Holmes: Defended her Ph.D. in the Fall of 2014 (University Examiner)

Brett Cameron: Defended his M.A. in the summer of 2012 (University examiner).

Rob DeAbreau: Defended his M.Ed. in the summer of 2013 (External reader).


Dr. Gerald Tembrevilla: Completed his Ph.D. in the summer of of 2020

Dr. Anka Lekhi: Completed her Ph.D. in the winter of 2018

SCED 1 Cohort: I co-mentored the M.Ed. in STEM Education cohort students who started in 2018 and completed in the winter of 2020.

Carlos Marotto: Completed his M.A. in the summer of of 2018

Alyshah Jiwa: Completed her M.Ed. in the summer of of 2018.

Chao (Vanessa) Zheng: Completed her M.Ed. in the summer of of 2018.

Liman Zhang: Completed her M.Ed. in the summer of 2018.

Colin Mayer: Completed his M.A. in the fall of 2016 (a science teacher at Magee Secondary School in Vancouver).

Tom Salzmann: Completed his M.Ed. in the summer of 2016 (Tom is a science teacher in Vancouver).

Zaid Kadem: Completed his M.Ed. in the spring of 2016 (Zaid is currently is pursuing physics certification at UBC).

Davor Egersdorfer: Completed his M.Ed. in the spring of 2016.

Murugan Vinayagam: Completed his M.Ed. in the summer of 2015.

Diane DeSequera: Completed her M.A. in the summer of 2014 (co-supervised with Prof. Nashon).

Ashley Welsh: Completed her Ph.D. in the spring of 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Nashon).

Rachael Bates: Completed his M.Ed. in the summer of 2015.

Evan Hall: Completed his M.Ed. in the Fall of 2014.

Xue (Marissa) Qi: Completed her B.Ed. in the spring of 2014.

Catrina Mikelsons: Completed her B.Ed. in the summer of 2014. Currently teaches at an elementary school in Lower Mainland.

Alexandra MacDonald: Completed her M.A. in the summer of 2014, conducts educational research at Western University.

Heather Fisher: Completed her M.A. in the summer of 2014 (since Fall 2014, a law student at York University).

David Riendl: Completed his B.Ed. in the fall of 2013, currently teaches at York Secondary School for girls in Vancouver.

Thomas Chris Jacoby: Completed his B.Ed. in the spring of 2014, currently teaches social studies in a Vancouver secondary school.

Darryl Dietrich: Completed his B.Ed. in the summer of 2013, teaches at Magee Secondary School in Vancouver.

Romy Friedman: Completed her M.A. in the summer of 2012. She teaches in an international school in Beijing,  teaches mathematics and science at an international school in Beijing, China.

Clare Muirhead: Completed her B.Ed. in the summer of 2013, currently teaches science in Surrey school district.

Jason Chao: Completed his B.Ed. in the summer of 2011, currently teaches physics in Richmond, BC.

Lucy How: Completed her B.Ed. in the summer of 2011, currently teaches in Singapore. Lucy completed her degree in one year!

Ashley Welsh: Completed her M.A. in the summer of 2010 (co-supervised with Prof. Nashon).


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