


March 2025

Research Projects

Current Research Projects:

I am currently leading a number of research projects:

1) 2018-present Investigating technology-enhanced STEM Outreach – from students to the larger community: Using modern technology, such as fast-speed camera, to design and implement innovative science demonstrations and experiments in introductory physics courses and in physics teacher-education methods courses (with Dr. Valery Milner).

2) 2017 – present Investigating how modern technology can help close the educational achievements gaps between students from low and high socio-economic backgrounds (with Drs. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin and Sabina Lissitsa)

3)  2017 – present Investigating STEM teacher education and the role of technology in supporting teacher growth and professional development (with Drs. Dragana Martinovic and Yifat Ben-David Kolikant).

Past Research Projects:

4) 2011-2017 Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Technology-Enhanced Learning Materials and their impact on teacher-candidates’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Among the technologies, we investigate the implementation and effect of technology-enhanced pedagogies that utilize electronic response system (clickers), PeerWise technology, Collaborative Learning Annotation System, Logger Pro, etc. Our goal is to create research-based resources for technology-enhanced K-12 STEM education: Mathematics Science Teaching and Learning through Technologies: MSTLTT.

5) 2016-2017 Designing, implementing and investigating the impact of educational videos of science demonstrations on perspectives physics teachers: STEM Education Videos for All project.

6) 2015-2017 Investigating the effect of STEM outreach on students, teacher-candidates and parents.

Collaborators (past and present): Mr. Paul Denny (The University of Oakland, NZ), Dr. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin (Ruppin Academic Center, Israel), Prof. Cynthia Nicol (EDCP, UBC Vancouver), Graduate students: Davor Egersdorder, Murugan Vinayagam, Alexandra MacDonald, Alexandra Fisher, Kate Anthony, Elizabeth Love (EDCP); Prof. Daniel Cha (Daegu University, South Korea), Satya Harish Appana (an undergraduate student from India), Kevin Yin and Jeremy Ko (undergraduate science students from UBC), Colleagues from the UBC Centre of Teaching Learning and Technologies.

7) 2010-2014: Investigation of the educational technology use in UBC Teacher Education Program. This project is sponsored by UBC Center for Teaching Learning and Technology (CTLT) grant.

Collaborators: Elizabeth Love (grad. student, EDCP); Prof. Daniel Cha (Daegu University, South Korea), Dr. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin (Ruppin Academic Center, Israel).

8) 2011-2017: The study of student epistemologies and the effect of collaborative group exercises and reflective writing in introductory physics course on student epistemologies and their views of the nature of science. I collaborate on this project with a number of colleagues from all across Canada (Montreal, Toronto, etc.). The project is sponsored by SSHRC and the PI of the project is Prof. Calvin Kalman from Concordia University in Montreal. I lead the Vancouver part of the project collaborating with a number of physics educators here (one of them is Prof. Robin Mcqueen from Langara College).

Collaborators: Prof. Calvin Kalman (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada) – team leader (the team includes more than 10 researchers from Canada, China, Vietnam, Portugal, Turkey).

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