


July 2024

Archive for the 'Outreach' Category

NSTA Meeting: Ken Miller and Evolution

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I have had an opportunity to attend a regional NSTA conference in Seattle Washington. There have been lots of amazing speakers there and as I am not a member of an organizing committee there I had a chance to relax and enjoy the conference. I happened to attend a number of amazing events. One of […]

The Teaching Company

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

As I am thinking of the benefits of technology for education, I cannot skip mentioning The Great Courses company, also known as The Teaching Company. This company videotapes the very best lectures and distributes them as DVDs or audio files. The first time I encountered them was listening to the lectures on the History of […]

UBC Faculty of Education Mathematics and Science Fair 2011

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

I haven’t been contributing consistently to my blog this term, as I have been very busy. However, today I have to report that I think I have a good excuse for being silent. On Saturday November 5, 2011 we (our Education Student-Teachers, graduate students, faculty and staff) at the Faculty of Education held our second […]

Math and Science Fair at UBC Faculty of Education

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

I am very excited to announce that this year once again we will be holding a very special mathematics and science event at the Faculty of Education during the Celebrate Learning Week. And the event is: Mathematics and Science Fair 2011. It will take place on November 5th and is open to evertybody, but you […]

New Collection of Science Education Resources

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

I just started a collection of resources on science education: I used a new tool called “Scoop.It’ – check it out. I hope this will be a useful resource. I haven’t been posting much recently as I also maintained web site for our BC Section of AAPT. I hope to hear your feedback […]

Vi Hart – An amazing blog on Everything

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Today I happened to stumble on a very interesting blog by Vi Hart. Actually it was shown to me by a student who is a mathematics teacher and who loves it. I enjoyed it very much as well. It is very interesting how art and science and mathematics come together in this blog. Vi Hart […]

Results of the First Google Global Science Fiar

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Google First Global Science Fair Prizes have been announced and the winners are… click here to find out. I am very proud to report that many of the top winners are girls. I happened to look through their projects (published online) and was amazed at their level. North American students dominated the list of the […]

The Summer Solstice is Here

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Many years ago I was teaching an introductory physics course using Paul Hewett’s Conceptual Physics textbook. There I read about the Eratosthenes’s experiment that allowed him to measure the radius of the Earth. This happened more than 2000 years ago (see Wikipedia: … Eratosthenes’s ingenuity drew my attention – to measure something so big […]

Science Education in the Largest in the World Refugee Camp

Monday, June 20th, 2011

In five days my colleagues from the Faculty of Education at UBC and I will travel to the largest in the world refugee camp in North East Kenya – Daadab Refugee Camp. This refugee camp is 20 years old and it is a “temporary” home for almost 300,000 people. On a Canadian scale, this is […]

A Physics Teacher’s View on St. John’s NL

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

One of the interesting things about being a physics teacher is an opportunity to discover many exciting physics-related things anywhere you go. I just came back from the meeting of the Canadian Association of Physicists in St.John’s, NL and I thought of posting a list of interesting attractions in the area that might be linked […]

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