


July 2024

Archive for the 'Science and society' Category

Equinox Summit: Learning 2030

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

Tomorrow I will take part in the Equinox Summit – learning 2030:  It will take place on UBC Campus at the Faculty of Education. I am honoured, I was invited to be one of the panelists. In preparation I have read about this initiative and found it interesting. It also resonated with the Next Generation […]

Using Educational Technology to Promote Inquiry in Science Teacher Education

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

I am honoured to be invited to present an invited talk at Korean Association of Science Education National Conference that will take place at Daegu University in February of this year. As I am preparing and practicing my talk  Using Educational Technologies to Promote Inquiry Improved Feb 2014 (thanks to my friends from the Toastmasters Club […]

Gary Hoban: Slowmation and much more

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

Today I happened to attend a presentation by Garry Hoban – a professor of science education from the University of Wollongong in Australia. In his presentation organized by the Centre of Teaching and Learning and Technology at UBC (CTLT) Garry discussed how he uses Slowmation with his pre-service primary teachers. I discussed this project to some […]

New Year Resolutions in Science Education

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Early January is always the perfect time for New Year’s resolutions: we all want to be better in a new year – to eat better, to have better health, to exercise more consistently, to have more time for friends and family. I think the New Year resolution fever is not going to avoid science educators […]

STEM 2014 at UBC: STEM Education and Our Planet: Making Connections Across Contexts

Friday, October 18th, 2013

I am very proud to say that I am a member of the Organizing Committee of the STEM 2014 Conference that will be hosted by our Department this Summer. While you can read the information about the conference from its web site, I want to share that we, as organizers, are working very hard to […]

The Results of OECD Adult Skills Surveys

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

These are very interesting and important results. I especially like the interactivity of the charts. I would recommend you to start with listening to their 3 min YouTube and then go and see their results of play with the data. I especially liked how they analyzed country’s performance by age… What does it mean that […]

SPOTLIGHT ON SCIENCE LEARNING: The High Cost of Dropping Science and Math

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

A few weeks ago I received feedback from a colleague on the SSHRC grant I was writing. The person who reviewed my grant (and I am grateful for it) asked me why it even matters that Canada produces its own scientists and engineers instead of importing scientists and engineers from abroad. I (who in someways […]

5th International Women in Physics Conference -August 2014 at Wilfid Laurier University in Canada

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

We have very exciting news: 5th International Women in Physics Conference will take place in -August 2014 at Wilfid Laurier University in Canada. We hope you will help us advertise it, so we can invite amazing women in physics to come to Canada, report on their research, share their experiences and try to figure out […]

Fish is Fish: Happy New School Year!!!

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

I would like to wish all teachers, students and parents a wonderful new year. As I am thinking of a year ahead, one of my favourite stories comes to mind “Fish is Fish” by Leo Leoni. I think it is worth watching, as it remind us how important it is for teachers to remember that […]

A Chemical Imbalance: A short movie worth watching

Saturday, August 10th, 2013 WATCH THE FILM TAKE ACTION →   PLEASE HELP US SHARE THE FILM – blog, tweet, embed, email or simply tell your friends about it! We want as many people to see the film as possible! inShare A Chemical Imbalance is a short documentary which celebrates female scientists and looks at why women are still so […]

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