


July 2024

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Understanding the World’s Greatest Structures: Free Video Lecture on Great Thin-Shell Structures

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

I cannot miss pointing attention to this free lecture by Professor Stephen Ressler. If you ever wondered about amazing architectural structures such as you can find in Sydney, Madrid, London or other international cities, you will enjoy this free lecture. It is only 32 minutes long and it is great! Click on the picture to […]

Welcome to New 2011-2012 School Year

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

As a school year begins many of us are thinking once again how to engage our students. A colleague of mine on the BCAPT ( list shared with me this excellent online free resource. I think it will be of use to many science teachers. On this note I would like to wish everybody a […]

Results of the First Google Global Science Fiar

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Google First Global Science Fair Prizes have been announced and the winners are… click here to find out. I am very proud to report that many of the top winners are girls. I happened to look through their projects (published online) and was amazed at their level. North American students dominated the list of the […]

Interesting Reports from the American Institute of Physics

Monday, June 20th, 2011

In the past 8 months, new reports on high school physics and other disciplines on bachelor degrees can be found on the web site of the American Institute of Physics: These reports will be of interest to science educators at high schools and universities and to the students of science.

Weekly Update by the American Institute of Physics

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

I would like to share with you a report by Rachel Ivie (Assistant Director of AIP Statistical Research Center). It is an important read for any science or mathematics educator.I am fortunate to know Rachel personally and I know how much effort has been put into collecting and analyzing this data. Rachel’s team has done […]

4th Women in Physics Conference Keynote Presentations

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Check this link for the Conference keynote presentations:

Geiger Counter in Action

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Many years ago, I lived in the Ukraine… In  1986 (April 26) Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened and even though we lived 500 km East from the disaster, we were able to detect increased levels of radiation… I was 16 then and I remember how my grandfather brought Geiger Counter home to show me how it […]

A Tribute to My Grandfather: Lev I. Bolotin

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Dedushka L’ova (that is how we called him, however his full name was Lev Iosifovich Bolotin or L.I.) was a real experimental physicist. He was my maternal grandfather and he worked in a very exciting place – Laboratory number 1 in the Ukrainian Physical-Technical Institute (UFTI) in Kharkov, Ukraine. My grandmother (who was an engineer […]

A Cool Science Demo for 1 Canadian Dollar

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Being a physics teachers changes you. I think even when you are not teaching, somewhere in the back of your mind, you keep thinking about it. It became apparent to me when I entered a dollar store (a place frequently visited by teachers) and noticed very cool beads. They are sold as handmade 4D Crystal […]

First Week of My Science Methods Course

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

This term I teach a Science Methods course for elementary teachers. My students will be teaching 5-7 grades when they graduate and I was asked to teach them science or to be more accurate, to teach them about HOW to teach science. Although I have been a science teacher for many years (scary to think […]

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