Vancouver DPAC asks for input

Hello All,
Vancouver DPAC would like to thank you Charles for setting up this weblog! We need a way to collect parent input during this strike and would like to ask you to collect some info. for us on this blog. Since we’re going to be supporting our kids leaning at home for the next while (hopefully a short while), we’d like to trade coping strategies and hear what is going on with parents. We met with our BCTF reps. this morning and will pass any information on to them, and they will try to help – grade 12 students are worried about entrance requirements and the BCTF is working this out with the universities. The BCTF conveyed that they want to go to the bargaining table, and ask that we encourage the government to join them there.
Vancouver DPAC acknowledges that, in our district, learning conditions have been deteriorating and everyone should get back to the table and improve them.
Claudia Ferris Vancouver DPAC

[Please post comments related to this posting. thanks weblog ed]

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