And I [don’t] know it well.

This random thought popped into my head today while I was walking down Main. (Obviously blog material). I was just thinking about Christmas and going home.

The other night I booked my plane ticket home (actually that’s a lie I’m not as independent as I make myself seem to be – my Mama booked my plane ticket home) and I started singing All I Want For Christmas by Mariah Carey. Yeah, I’m excited about flying back to Toronhaaaa but I’m curious how it’s going to feel. Is my home going to look the same? Will my room look completely childish or will I get hit with nostalgia? I had all these plans to visit my friends but will any of it seem relevant anymore? Have I even spoken to them recently? I don’t know what it’s going to feel like going back but it’s going to be different, just because I’ve established such a different life out here.

Coming to UBC I had only know literally a couple – as in two- other people. But nobody else knew who I was. I realized that I really could be anyone. For all they knew I could’ve been Hit Girl from Kick Ass, part of the Chinese mafia, who enters Scrabble tournaments on Wednesday nights and goes to church fellowship on Sundays afternoons, who’s been tap dancing since she was 10 years old and has a collection of converse sneakers. (One of those things are true. So let’s play 5 Lies and a Truth?)

Point is, I haven’t “reinvented” myself per se by being here. I’ve become who I am by being here and everyday little by little I keep reaffirming who I am. If you act like the type of person you want to be, eventually you’ll wake up one morning and realize that you are that person.

I read a quote once and to paraphrase it said “People don’t change, they just become more of who they really are”. I guess the difference is that I don’t have any witnesses here. I don’t have any one from grade seven pestering me about that time I danced with the geekiest kid in our class or other embarrassing moments that don’t really need to be mentioned…

If we want to get all motivational with the quotes I also really like “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” I try keeping that one in mind.

Aside: I think I’ve been listening to way too much Bon Iver. I love Justin Verrnon’s music but maybe I should stray from the quiet acoustic folk type while walking in the rain. It makes me feel like my iPod is constantly stuck on the New Moon Twilight Saga soundtrack. Just music that you listen to when it’s gloomy and overcast. For the ‘Twihards’ if anyone pretends they’re in Forks and or that kind of setting. Is that depressing? Perhaps. But I feel like it’s balanced by the Bob Marley my yoga instructor has recently started playing during sessions.

But enough serious talk, randoms thoughts du jour:

Today I dressed up as my prof in blue plaid, a sphinx (because I’m nerdy and dress up like creatures from Greek mythology and plays/works of literature I’m reading in class like that) and signed up for the Quidditch team. All in one day!

Plus, I went to have sex with your advisor. Nicole, you did wHaT?! Ugh, I went to Sex with Your Advisor. Haha because putting in capital letters makes all the difference. Basically, a sex question/answer/advice pannel at Totem Park with your Rez Advisor’s. Pretty awkward, some funny parts, some TMI moments. Bonus! If you came out you got glow-in-the-dark condoms. Be safe, kids! As if there aren’t enough friendly free events for handing out condoms.

Bon nuit tout le monde. Now go listen to bon iver.

[Author’s note: Title comes from Bon Iver’s song Blood Bank more rainy season music. As happy and bubbly as I like to be we all have our quiet moments of contemplation.]


I totally had a Mary Poppins moment today as I was walking down the really really sketchy Exorcism of Emily Rose stairs. So, I’m walking with my little slimming black umbrella. Skipping down the stairs. As you’ve guessed – it’s raining. And all of a sudden a huge gust of wind comes and my umbrella starts levitating as if Aeolus himself is pulling me up to the heavens. At that moment I honestly wanted to jump and see if I could fly. But the muggle/mortal side to me knew that I was going to terribly fall on the concrete steps and that would not look pretty…

I pretty much wrote this entire blog on my way home from my 8:00 a.m. Friday discussion. Ned, what were you thinking when you picked out your course schedule? Didn’t anyone tell you that Thursday is the new Friday? Obviously not.

Yeah, the past two months have been a lovely little Indian summer. Yesterday what was the temperature? Oh you know 16 degrees Celsuis. No big D.

Today’s weather forecast? Rain, rain and rain. I had to put on my huge 2 inch think wool sweater this morning. Somewhere karma is laughing at me because I was on the phone with my mama on Wednesday telling her how it’s still goregous over here, watching the leaves change colour with clear blue skies.
That’s the tragic flaw with Vancouver. It lures you in like a movie trailer with really big action sequences, cars blowing up everywhere, Denzel Washington probably looking cool walking away from an explosion and not looking back. Helicopters and bullets flying across the screen. And then when you go see the movie you could’ve paid $7.95 to watch the trailer all over again. Whereas Vancouver is all mountains, ocean, sunshine, lollipops, rainbows everything that’s wonderful and then –

the rain hits.

Don’t get me wrong. Amazing West Coast summer trumps all the rain that I am about to put up with, so I’m not regretting my decision at all. And I’m not (at least I’m telling myself right now) that I’m not going to ever be bitter about the rain because I am so fortunate to be here. All you Vancouverites reading this, don’t take for granted what you have. It’s awesome.

But, this is the time when we all have to say “And so it begins”. At least we don’t live in the Artic Circle and have to say goodbye to the sun. Goodness knows how that would go over.

Knock, knock?

Who’s there? I’m here!

Hey all you drunken folk who like scribbling on people’s doors at 4:00 a.m. That’s cool. You do what you like but don’t come knocking on my door please because I just spent 3 hours. Oh dear, seriously Nicole -you just spent 3 hours? decorating. It’s okay. I deserved a break tonight because I stayed up late and had to wake up early to finish writing this paper. (Darn you Arts One!). But right now I’m super pumped because our door is now super bright and full of A.D.H.D. awesomeness.

I kind of feel bad for my roommate, I think she’s a little confused as to what happened. She left to go do homework and came back to a bunch of crazy arrows flow chart neon papered mess of a room. So roomie, I apologize.

I have to ask myself if I had caffeine today. I feel like that women in the first season of Desperate Housewives when she takes her kids A.D.D. medication and makes her go haywired and energy adrenaline boost for a few good hours.

If any of you, at home, in rez, or some other form of student housing have decorated doors (or seen really cool doors) let me know!

You know what’s the best part. Haha. I love this. This is the other side of the door. A pleasant reminder for ourselves on how to avoid fruitflies in the room.

That’s all for now. Ttfn.