Poeta: Jacqueline Caniguan

Traducción: Ella Doboszová



Debo viajar

Rumbo a la poblada montaña

Que me espera.

Mis pies se encaminan

Sin pensar

Cómo mi corazón llora.


Voy camino

A la poblada montaña

La de espíritus palpables

Que quiero ver

Y no conozco.



I need to travel

Towards the populated mountain

Which awaits me.

My feet begin walking

Without thought

Oh, how my heart is tearing


I am heading

To the populated mountain

Of the palpable spirits

Which I want to see

And I am yet to know.

Rogla, Slovenia in the Winter (Dobosz, 2011)
This photo captures the beauty of the mountains in Rogla, Slovenia, in the winter snow. The photo reflects the verse perfectly, as many aspects can be seen within: the travel, represented by the cars and the paths in the snow; the populated mountain, represented by the numerous people that can be seen awaiting the lift up to the top of the mountain. The peaceful stripes of the clouds create a great contrast with the busy lines on the ground. When looking at this photo, it makes me excited for winter to begin again, as a desire within me grows to travel to the beautiful Canadian mountains and capture even more beautiful photos.