In which inspiration kicks in.

August 26th, 2010 § 8 comments

Current Music: Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now (fitting stuff)

I must admit, I intended my first post to be a whole list of how I’ve been preparing myself for attending UBC and university life in general. As you can see, though, I decided against it in the last few hours.

It’s just that I’ve realized that no matter how much I try- no matter how many to-do lists I write and routes I map and browsing trips I make for netbooks and bags, I’ll never really be prepared. At least not completely. This is a whole new chapter in my life, in any person’s life. It will be full of scary, and mainly unknown, things that will only make itself known to us once we get going. It will strike at us unexpectedly and throw us off guard, and rattle us a little out of our comfortable shells of security and familiarity.

And you know what? That’s okay. That’s what starting new routes in life is all about, isn’t it? You’re packed with essentials for the journey but there still remains that inevitable sense of adventure, of the fact that you’ll be encountering new things on the way, and that it’s completely okay that you’re not prepared for those things. I’ve mentioned the word many times in this post now – new, new, new! It’s all about taking the plunge and trying out the new and what if it gets embarrassing? Just laugh it off. It’s all growing up stuff, really, and we’re starting on that journey.

I guess what I’m saying is to not be afraid of the unexpected, especially for the ones like me- the organized, I-will-have-order (!!!) types. Not everything will be on our to-do lists or schedules, and it’s far from the end of the world when we come across something like that. More often than most, it’ll be an opportunity, and like they say- you only lose when you don’t try.

So I tell you all, go forth and do great, even if embarrassing, things! Don’t be afraid to have some fun once in a while, you never know when your Economics class might it drain out of ya. ;D

By the way, if my list of preparation awesomeness does interest you, I’ll probably be posting it in the following week.

Ever the weird one,

§ 8 Responses to In which inspiration kicks in."

  • Miriam says:

    Giving yourself some worthy advice, I see!

    Welcome to UBC and the blogsquad :)

  • Eastwood says:

    Great first post!

    Your experiences will take you to unexpected places with full of surprises — I never thought I’d be where I am today when I wrote my very first Blog Squad entry.

    Welcome to UBC and the Blog Squad! All the best in your studies and discoveries ahead!

  • Kelvin Choi says:

    You know, I feel the same way about being prepared, not only when I have to pack and stuff but even when I study for tests. When do I stop studying?

    Really nice honest post; keep on writing!

  • krystalv says:

    Haha, I found a fellow list-maker. My preparing process for UBC was pretty epic. But I would love to see yours, maybe we can compare tips? :P

    Anyway, can’t wait to meet you in September!

  • Ella says:

    Welcome to the blog squad Jennine! I’m looking forward to following your blog and adventures in the coming year.

  • Paulina says:

    Sometimes it’s fun to be unprepared too. I look forward to your list of prepared awesomeness!!

    And welcome to ubc =)

  • Rabi Sun says:

    Ah another IR Major hopeful. Me too =)

    Welcome to the Blog Squad and UBC.

  • Valentina says:

    Great Advice!

    I wish I could follow it, but I can’t live without my lists and schedules !!

    Welcome, have fun and enjoy the blogsquad :)

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