Music, and other things.

December 6th, 2010 § 1 comment

(She is fabulous, and I love her. You should love her, too. :))

This is preposterous. For the past week, yours truly has managed to go into random bouts of sleep on her commute to school. Usually, this never happens- I’m way too paranoid that I’ll wake up and find myself in the middle of nowhere. Alas, it seems like my sleeping cycle is finally catching up with me.

This post does not contain any of the content I said I’ll be updating with. Instead, this post is for: UBC: A Constant Learning Process aka new things I keep finding out as a uni student (the unofficial first installment: here).

  • The Buchanan clock tower! It rings! It tolls! I was amazed- it’s so cool and the sound combined with the view of Irving makes me feel like a Hogwarts student! :DV Unfortunately, though, I’ve heard the clock tower ring at the hour when I’m late, so let’s hope I won’t hear much more in the next term…
  • I predict myself contributing to a VFM blog one day. Student politics is so incredibly fascinating (and Elin Tayyar dresses so darn well). I’ve been constantly checking AMS Confidential for the past week or so.
  • So it seems like if you’re a UBC student, there’s a 70% chance you won’t see Harry Potter in the first week.
  • I need to get my butt back to Twitter because the UBC presence there is overwhelmingly active.
  • Doing coat check for a dance = the biggest pain. Never ever volunteer for it. (I will regret saying this later)
  • Tumblr crashes can sometimes come at the right time.
  • The holiday fair was great ($10 oversized granny sweaters FTW), but doesn’t help much in terms of gifts for guys.
  • Rez does have annoyingly thin walls. During my overnight stay I felt like my whispering can travel miles. o_O Otherwise, though, the shower was pretty good and not as bad as I thought it’d be!
  • I need to get off my high horse and get used to 80%s. >_>
  • If you’re planning to stay at the commuter hostel- book way in advance- more than a week even. For some reason it’s often full?

And with that I go back to work, commuting, then studying later.

Ever the Marbelous cookie lover,

§ One Response to Music, and other things.

  • Lillienne says:

    I find it charming when people discover that the clock does chime. One of my friends — a fourth-year — was recently astounded when I mentioned this. It’s lovely to know there are folks who are never late to class!

    Also, I just had to say I also LOVE the Marbellous cookies at Blue Chip and am despairing because I want to make them, but have no idea what’s in them that makes them so mouthwateringly good.v

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