
January 25th, 2011 § 4 comments

I’m a weird one, but for me, piano music and such types of instrumental music is the best music to study to (that and Les Misérables for History, but that’s another story). So from now on, I’ll only be sharing such type of music in this blog. Just click on the “study music” tag for the rest of ’em.

This piece will sound familiar to anyone who’s watched the French film Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain or just Amélie. This is from the film’s soundtrack, which was composed by the amazing, amazing Yann Tiersen. He’s coming to town in March, and I BOUGHT TICKETS TO SEE HIM, and I’m really, REALLY EXCITED. While the rest of the city is spazzing about Katy Perry, I’m spazzing about him.

Before you think I’m a nutso, click play and you’ll see why I have done such spazzing. He is terrific, seriously. ♥

§ 4 Responses to Music!"

  • Michelle says:

    where did you get tickets?!
    I love his music… and I swear I’ve watched Amelie a bajilion times. It’s nice to meet another Tierson fan :D

  • Jennine says:

    @Michelle- YES! :D March 4, at the Vogue Theatre. There’s still a lot of tickets available right now, but the girl at the box office told me that the show will more than likely be sold out closer to the date. Go to to get info on how to buy the tickets!

    It’s awesome to meet another fan! Maybe I`ll see you at the concert? :D Amélie is such a beautiful movie, and it`s a shame not enough people appreciate it (and its music).

  • Joyce says:

    lovely. I love Yann Tiersen’s music as well~ and would gladly take instrumental music over pop music (almost) any day.

    sorry, I don’t know you, but just wanted to say that I like your music tastes :) thanks for sharing!

  • Jennine says:

    @Joyce- It’s no problem- thank you so much for reading my blog, nonetheless!

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