About Peer Advising

Peer advisors help new majors and minors (including Family Studies minors) learn about the opportunities that are available to our undergraduate students.  Advisors tend to be  third and fourth year students who can share study skills, writing help, and suggest strategies for exam preparation. Training helps advisors become  familiar with the Sociology Student Association, the Peer Mentoring Program, the Applying to Graduate School Workshop series, and the Portfolio Workshop. Advisors also have access to information about Co-Op, Internships, how to become an undergraduate TA, steps for becoming an undergraduate RA, and how to apply for Work Learn positions.

Advisors have some knowledge about different class offerings, like the Urban Ethnographic Field School, Go Global trips to Guatemala, and the International Service Learning Program. They can provide insight and information, and advise students on who else they might talk to to get more information.