6 things you should know about creating an efolio

1. Log in and create a Welcome or Home page

Login with your UBC Blogs account at : https://blogs.ubc.ca

The Welcome page can include images and text: for
example, your philosophy of teaching.

From the Pages > Add New section of the administrative back end, enter a title and your desired information. Click on Publish

2. Create a page for your artifacts and your reflections.

This section of your e-portfolio blog will contain all your artifacts and reflections about your learning and development in the Bed program and beyond. Create another page, just as you did for your Welcome page using “Add New Page.”

From the Pages > Add New section, enter a title and click on Publish.

Note: Posts appear in reverse chronological order and can be tagged as well as categorized. Pages: appear in static locations on your blog—are much more like areas of a web page e.g. About, or Resume. Pages cannot be categorized.

3. Change the settings so your efolio blog acts like a webpage.

With these small changes, your blog will function like a webpage and you can continue to add information.

From the Settings > Reading area: Change the settings so the front page displays a static page. Then choose a suitable page for the front and post pages. Scroll down and click on Save Changes.

4. Write your reflections as Posts.

Now that you have set up the organization of your efolio, you can begin to add the content. Create each reflection as a post (not a Page) as this will permit you to categorize and tag your reflections.

From the Posts > Add New area enter a title for your reflection and write your reflection. Upload content (.doc, ppt, pdf or image files) using the Add Media link.

5. Adjust your privacy settings.

From the Settings > Privacy section of your blog

Choose an appropriate privacy setting and click Save Changes. Note: to register a subscriber, add the person’s email in the User section of your blog.

6. Add registered users

From the Site Admin > Users section of your blog, scroll down to the bottom of the page where “Add User” is. enter the user name and email of the CMS account of the person you want to add.

Leave the Role as Subscriber and press Add User.
