STEP 3: Selecting

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

There are no hard and fast rules associated with selecting appropriate artifacts as evidence of your growth as a teacher candidate. Building an efolio is an on-going process and it evolves as you do.

We do recommend you consider the following guidelines and seek continual feedback when selecting artefacts as evidence to include in your efolio:

  1. Begin with a collection of artifacts that make evident what you know, what you can do and what you value – especially about teaching and learning.
  2. Collect artefacts that provide evidence of your growth in what you know, what you can do and what you value – especially about teaching and learning
  3. Consider referring to the UBC Attainment of Standards Report or the Teacher Regulation Branch’s Standards for the Education, Competence and Professional Conduct of Educators in BC when initially selecting key teaching and learning tenants to explore and reflect upon.
  4. Also, consider selecting artefacts that help you:
  • define YOUR purpose for your efolio
  • define/describe your target audience
  • construct a plan
  • build your efolio
  • incorporate assessment and evaluation

TIP: Consult with your faculty advisor and colleagues for advice on what evidence to select for your portfolio.

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