Reflective Strategy #1: Four Rs

Cloward, Hawkins, & Black, 2003

Think of a sample that you would include in your efolio. Address the following four components in your reflection:

  1. Report: addresses fundamental characteristics of the sample. What is it? When was it created or used? Who was involved? Where was it used?
  2. Reflect: This addresses issues of purpose and intent, from a personal and professional perspective. Why is it important? What did you learn from this sample?
  3. Relate: This addresses issues of purpose and intent, from a broader perspective. Why is this sample important with respect to what is known about teaching? How could this sample inform practice?
  4. Revise: This addresses issues of growth and change. What feedback have you received? What have you (or might you) revise?

After all the revisions have been done, return to the beginning of the reflection, did you meet your goals, did you demonstrate growth, and did you explain what you now know, think and understand? Then repeat the reflective process.  As a document of professional growth-over-time, the efolio process may best be understood as a spiral.

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