Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.

This is my voice

I feel that I have been too mean to my Creative Writing class, so here is a great video that our prof. showed us yesterday. It’s This Is My Voice by Shane Koyczan. [youtube][/youtube]

Posted in Involvement / Leadership, Recreation | Leave a comment

If you don’t have midterms…

you have essays! I have noticed that most of my friends are already in midterms, and wondering why I’m not freaking out about them yet I decided that I had probably forgotten to write down the dates and was going … Continue reading

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music me?

At home I didn’t really listen to music, just what my sister listened to. Now, to remind me of her I keep playing some of it, even if I don’t get most of it (it’s in french and portuguese) :) … Continue reading

Posted in Recreation | 1 Comment


It’s been a while since I put up a post (oh no! are we seeing a recurring pattern?) and a lot has happened…  This weekend was busy. Saturday we had Vanier Olympics (Color Wars in Totem) and well, I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Involvement / Leadership, Recreation, Residence Life | Leave a comment

learning to study

I am proud to say that today I made two great discoveries that I really want to share with all the other soon-to-be-panicking first year students. As my calendar fills up with assignments, quizzes, readings, etc. I decided to start trying out … Continue reading

Posted in Academics | 4 Comments

on courses…

I haven’t updated this blog in a while, but … who can blame me? this first week has been crazy, fun, but crazy. I don’t have Frosh, but I did have Jump Start, Gala and Imagine. A quick note on that … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Faculty | 2 Comments

Jump Start and favorite places

It has been more than two weeks in UBC and I can’t believe it!  Jump Start has been totally amazing, I can’t imagine how my UBC life would look like if it wasn’t for this awesome program. Really, I am … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Recreation, Residence Life | Leave a comment

Dalai Lama

I know this is going to look very cliche, but he really does inspire me. I have spent this summer reading some of his speeches and I absolutely recommend them to anyone.

Posted in Spirituality, Wellness | Leave a comment

Vancouver & UBC: first impressions

I know a little girl that always goes around saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression!” soooo… here we go! I absolutly love it. I’ve been in Vancouver for about 36 hours and I keep … Continue reading

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Next stop: Vancouver

I’m heading to Vancouver tomorrow morning and I’m terrified. I know it’s a great city, and that I’m going to have A LOT of fun, but I can’t keep that little voice in my head from thinking “what if I … Continue reading

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